Quotes with afflicted

Quotes 1 till 16 of 16.

  • Bernice Fitz-Gibbon A good ad should be like a good sermon: It must not only comfort the afflicted, it also must afflict the comfortable.
    Source: Macys, Gimbels, and Me: How to Earn $90,000 a Year in Retail Advertising
    Bernice Fitz-Gibbon
    American advertising executive
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  • Finley Peter Dunne Comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comfortable.
    Finley Peter Dunne
    American Journalist, Humorist (1867 - 1936)
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  • John Milton And, re-assembling our afflicted powers, consult how we may henceforth most offend.
    John Milton
    English poet, polemicist and man of letters (1608 - 1674)
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  • Boomer Esiason As both a local resident and a parent with a CF-afflicted child, I'm thankful for companies like Canon, Chase and Outback who believe that giving back to the community is critical to their role as corporate citizens.
    Boomer Esiason
    American football player (1961 - )
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  • Zoroaster Be good, be kind, be humane, and charitable; love your fellows; console the afflicted; pardon those who have done you wrong.
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  • Charles Sumner From the beginning of our history the country has been afflicted with compromise. It is by compromise that human rights have been ;abandoned.
    Charles Sumner
    American politician and U.S. Senator (1811 - 1874)
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  • Bill Hybels God is committed to developing a people who will reflect his character in this world, and his character always expresses concern and compassion for the afflicted.
    Source: Too Busy Not to Pray
    Bill Hybels
    American church figure and author (1951 - )
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  • John Kenneth Galbraith In all life one should comfort the afflicted, but verily, also, one should afflict the comfortable, and especially when they are comfortably, contentedly, even happily wrong.
    John Kenneth Galbraith
    American economist (1908 - 2006)
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  • Aeschylus It is easy when we are in prosperity to give advice to the afflicted.
    Greek dramatist (525 - 456)
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  • Jeremy Taylor Men are apt to prefer a prosperous error to an afflicted truth.
    Jeremy Taylor
    British churchman and writer (1613 - 1667)
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  • Don Delillo Men with secrets tend to be drawn to each other, not because they want to share what they know but because they need the company of the like-minded, the fellow afflicted.
    Don Delillo
    American Author (1936 - )
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  • Caitlin Moran Our world is afflicted by poverty. Don't spend all this money on clothes!
    Caitlin Moran
    English journalist, author, and broadcaster (1975 - )
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  • Phillips Brooks The truest help we can render an afflicted man is not to take his burden from him, but to call out his best energy, that he may be able to bear the burden.
    Phillips Brooks
    American Minister, Poet (1835 - 1893)
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  • Alan Thicke There are psychological repercussions to illness and we need a little more help to get through the effects not only on the afflicted but on the family. And I think there's even a place for humor in that.
    Alan Thicke
    Canadian actor and songwriter (1947 - 2016)
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  • Diana Spencer Princess of Wales You can't comfort the afflicted with afflicting the comfortable,
    Diana Spencer Princess of Wales
    British princess
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  • Simone Weil The afflicted are not listened to. They are like someone whose tongue has been cut out and who occasionally forgets the fact. When they move their lips no ear perceives any sound. And they themselves soon sink into impotence in the use of language, because of the certainty of not being heard.
    Simone Weil
    French philosopher (1909 - 1943)
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