Albert Camus
French writer, essayist and Nobel Prize winner in literature (1956)
Lived from: 1913 - 1960
Category: Writers (Contemporary) Country: France
Born: 7 november 1913 Died: 4 january 1960
Quotes 1 till 4 of 4.
The gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight. They had thought with some reason that there is no more dreadful punishment than futile and hopeless labor.
― Albert Camus -
To those who despair of everything reason cannot provide a faith, but only passion, and in this case it must be the same passion that lay at the root of the despair, namely humiliation and hatred.
― Albert Camus -
Truly fertile Music, the only kind that will move us, that we shall truly appreciate, will be a Music conducive to Dream, which banishes all reason and analysis. One must not wish first to understand and then to feel. Art does not tolerate Reason.
― Albert Camus -
Whereas the Greeks gave to will the boundaries of reason, we have come to put the will's impulse in the very center of reason, which has, as a result, become deadly.
― Albert Camus
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