Albert Camus
French writer, essayist and Nobel Prize winner in literature (1956)
Lived from: 1913 - 1960
Category: Writers (Contemporary) Country: France
Born: 7 november 1913 Died: 4 january 1960
Quotes 1 till 13 of 13.
In order to exist just once in the world, it is necessary never again to exist.
― Albert Camus -
It is impossible to give a clear account of the world, but art can teach us to reproduce it, just as the world reproduces itself in the course of its eternal gyrations. The primordial sea indefatigably repeats the same words and casts up the same astonished beings on the same sea-shore.
― Albert Camus -
Methods of thought which claim to give the lead to our world in the name of revolution have become, in reality, ideologies of consent and not of rebellion.
― Albert Camus -
More and more, when faced with the world of men, the only reaction is one of individualism. Man alone is an end unto himself. Everything one tries to do for the common good ends in failure.
― Albert Camus -
Only a philosophy of eternity, in the world today, could justify non-violence.
― Albert Camus -
The evil that is in the world almost always comes of ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence if they lack understanding.
― Albert Camus -
The modern mind is in complete disarray. Knowledge has stretched itself to the point where neither the world nor our intelligence can find any foot-hold. It is a fact that we are suffering from nihilism.
― Albert Camus -
The world in which we were called to exist was an absurd world, and there was no other in which we could take refuge.
― Albert Camus -
The world is never quiet, even its silence eternally resounds with the same notes, in vibrations which escape our ears. As for those that we perceive, they carry sounds to us, occasionally a chord, never a melody.
― Albert Camus -
We all carry within us our places of exile, our crimes, and our ravages. But our task is not to unleash them on the world; it is to fight them in ourselves and in others.
― Albert Camus -
We come into the world laden with the weight of an infinite necessity.
― Albert Camus -
What the world requires of the Christians is that they should continue to be Christians.
― Albert Camus -
Children will still die unjustly even in a perfect society. Even by his greatest effort, man can only propose to diminish, arithmetically, the sufferings of the world.
― Albert Camus
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