Friedrich Nietzsche
German poet and philosopher
Lived from: 1844 - 1900
Category: Philosophers | Poets (Contemporary) Country: Germany
Born: 15 october 1844 Died: 25 august 1900
Quotes 1 till 5 of 5.
Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies.
Original:Überzeugungen sind gefährlichere Feinde der Wahrheit als Lügen.
― Friedrich Nietzsche -
No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.
― Friedrich Nietzsche -
Our treasure lies in the beehive of our knowledge. We are perpetually on the way thither, being by nature winged insects and honey gatherers of the mind.
― Friedrich Nietzsche -
The most common lie is that which one lies to himself; lying to others is relatively an exception.
― Friedrich Nietzsche -
War has always been the grand sagacity of every spirit which has grown too inward and too profound; its curative power lies even in the wounds one receives.
― Friedrich Nietzsche
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