Quotes with actors/privacy

Quotes 141 till 153 of 153.

  • Ajay Naidu We make a contract within ourselves as actors or directors or writers about how much of ourselves we let into projects. You can actually figure out before you work on something how much blood you will have to let emotionally.
    Ajay Naidu
    American actor (1972 - )
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  • Anna Lindh We must focus much more on developing countries' own policies and priorities, and increase policy and operational coherence between national, regional and multilateral actors.
    Anna Lindh
    Swedish Social Democratic politician (1957 - 2003)
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  • Carlos Gershenson We shouldn't see ourselves as 'controllers' of the world, but as 'actors' in the world.
    Source: Zire Notes May 2004 December 2006
    Carlos Gershenson
    Mexican author and academic (1978 - )
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  • Tom Stoppard We're actors - we're the opposite of people.
    Tom Stoppard
    Czech Playwright (1937 - )
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  • Ben Foster We've turned film into such an industry that we pursue naturalism just by shaking the camera and cutting the film to ribbons to provoke a bogus sense of documentary. But we haven't done the homework. To push the depth that the Actor's Studio did or the Russian theatres did with their actors is to rehearse, to spend time, to dig, to excavate.
    Ben Foster
    American actor (1980 - )
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  • Ben Stiller Whatever talent I had, I'm sure it helped that my parents were in the business and that I grew up around actors, comedians and directors.
    Ben Stiller
    American actor, comedian, film producer, film director, and writer (1965 - )
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  • Ben Schnetzer When I decided I wanted to go to drama school, I realized that a lot of the actors whose careers I really admire and whose work I really admire were English and English trained. I felt there was a real vocational feel to work in the U.K.
    Ben Schnetzer
    American actor (1990 - )
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  • Bill Camp When the scenes are written really great, we as actors try not to mess them up by getting in the way.
    Bill Camp
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  • Brendan Fraser When you throw punches at actors, you stop, you pull it, and it looks like you pulled it. When you throw punches at cartoon characters, they are not there, so you can swing through. It looks like you really decked them.
    Brendan Fraser
    American and Canadian actor (1969 - )
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  • Ben Schnetzer When you're working on a film, it's not theater; you don't have a few weeks of rehearsal. A lot of times you are showing up on set, and you've never been to the place; you've never met the other actors you're working with.
    Ben Schnetzer
    American actor (1990 - )
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  • Alec Baldwin You have actors who begin at a certain young age and there's very little change in their technique and the depth of their performances; they're the same 30 years later.
    Alec Baldwin
    American actor, writer, producer and comedian (1958 - )
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  • Caitlin Fitzgerald You never stop thinking about technique, but really, the reason we're actors is because of the sheer joy of those few moments you get every now and again where you're totally present. The rest is just struggle and misery.
    Caitlin Fitzgerald
    American actress and filmmaker
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  • Ben Hardy You're always aware that only eight per cent of actors are in work at one time, so you've got to be thankful for the job you've got and do the best you can.
    Ben Hardy
    British actor (1991 - )
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