Quotes 1 till 6 of 6.
A style does not go out of style as long as it adapts itself to its period. When there is an incompatibility between the style and a certain state of mind, it is never the style that triumphs.
One should act in consonance with the way of heaven and earth, which is enduring and eternal. The superior man perseveres long in his course, adapts to the times, but remains firm in his direction and correct in his goals.
The one who adapts his policy to the times prospers, and likewise that the one whose policy clashes with the demands of the times does not.
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.
Dramatist: One who adapts plays from the French.
The Devil's Dictionary
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