Quotes with afflicts

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  • Gilbert Keith Chesterton Artistic temperament is the disease that afflicts amateurs.
    Gilbert Keith Chesterton
    English writer (1874 - 1936)
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  • Bertrand Russell Love is something far more than desire for sexual intercourse; it is the principal means of escape from the loneliness which afflicts most men and women throughout the greater part of their lives.
    Bertrand Russell
    English philosopher and mathematician (1872 - 1970)
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  • Gilbert Keith Chesterton The artistic temperament is a disease that afflicts amateurs
    Gilbert Keith Chesterton
    English writer (1874 - 1936)
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  • Edmond de Goncourt There are moments when, faced with our lack of success, I wonder whether we are failures, proud but impotent. One thing reassures me as to our value: the boredom that afflicts us. It is the hall-mark of quality in modern men.
    Edmond de Goncourt
    French writer and critic (1822 - 1896)
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