Quotes with alabama

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  • Bob Riley However, before we make the mistake of patting ourselves on the back, let's remember: government does not create jobs. It only helps create the conditions that make jobs more or less likely. The real credit for our economic renewal belongs to the people of Alabama .
    Bob Riley
    American politician (1944 - )
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  • Bill Hicks I'll tell you, too, that's starting to depress me about UFO's, about the fact that they cross galaxies, or wherever they come from to visit us, and always end up in places like Fife, Alabama. Maybe these are not super-intelligent beings, man.
    Source: Comedy routine
    Bill Hicks
    American stand-up comedian, social critic, satirist and musician (1961 - 1994)
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  • Bob Riley Ladies and gentlemen: There can be no greater investment in Alabama's future than an investment in education.
    Bob Riley
    American politician (1944 - )
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  • Billy Graham Only when Christ comes again will the little white children of Alabama walk hand in hand with little black children.
    Billy Graham
    American Evangelist (1918 - 2018)
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  • Artur Davis The repeal of racist language in the Constitution of Alabama was and still is a necessary step in the state's ability to progress.
    Artur Davis
    American attorney and politician (1967 - )
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  • Artur Davis We have built a genuine level of enthusiasm and goodwill with people throughout this district. People are really excited about the possibilities this election holds, not just for this district, but because of the message Alabama sent to the rest of the country.
    Artur Davis
    American attorney and politician (1967 - )
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  • Boo Weekley We hunt in Florida, where I live in Jay. I hunt in Alabama a little bit, on my uncle's land. I go to Illinois and hunt with some friends up there. I hunt in Mississippi and Missouri.
    Boo Weekley
    American professional golfer (1973 - )
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