Quotes with alcoholic

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  • Carre Otis Anorexia was there for me before I got into modeling, but because of the arena and the demands, the disease really got out of control for me. It's like being an alcoholic and going and being a bartender.
    Carre Otis
    American model and actress (1968 - )
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  • Stephen Vizinczey Most bad books get that way because their authors are engaged in trying to justify themselves. If a vain author is an alcoholic, then the most sympathetically portrayed character in his book will be an alcoholic. This sort of thing is very boring for outsiders.
    Stephen Vizinczey
    Hungarian writer and critic (1933 - 2021)
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  • Betty Ford My makeup wasn't smeared, I wasn't disheveled, I behaved politely, and I never finished off a bottle, so how could I be alcoholic?
    Source: Betty, a glad awakening
    Betty Ford
    American First Lady (1918 - 2011)
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  • Marguerite Duras When a woman drinks it's as if an animal were drinking, or a child. Alcoholism is scandalous in a woman, and a female alcoholic is rare, a serious matter. It's a slur on the divine in our nature.
    Marguerite Duras
    French author and filmmaker (1914 - 1996)
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