Quotes 281 till 300 of 1443.
Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.
Even if I was a bad right wing guy, to the extent of whether my arguments are right or wrong, they're right or wrong independently if I'm right or left.
Even if I went off to some other career, I hope I would still be doing Coen films.
Even if I'm writing music, it's with a lyric in mind, to communicate some kind of feeling.
Even if it is to be, what end do you serve by running to distress?
Even if it turns out that time travel is impossible, it is important that we understand why it is impossible.
Even if my country remains in war with yours... remember... i am not your enemy.
Even if smog were a risk to human life, we must remember that life in nature, without technology, is wholesale death.
The Objectivist februari 1971 -
Even if someone is already in your market space, ask yourself whether you can approach it from a different angle and thereby secure your own customer base.
Even if the chef has a good business head, his focus should be behind kitchen doors. A business partner should take care of everything in front of the kitchen doors.
Even if the whole earth and sea were turned to gold, they could hardly satisfy the avarice of a woman... You can more easily scratch a diamond with your fingernail than you can by any human ingenuity get a woman to consent to giving any of her savings.
Even if the whole world were to fall to pieces, the unity of the psyche would never be shattered. And the wider and more numerous the fissures on the surface, the more the unity is strengthened in the depths.
Civilization in Transition (1964) -
Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.
Even if you do everything a woman wants, it will not be enough. But of course, this is no reason for not doing it.
December 2006) May 2004 December 2006 -
Even if you do learn to speak correct English, whom are you going to speak it to?
Even if you don't believe in God, exploring fully the idea of a god or gods should pose no threat to you.
Even if you have a big tune, live crowds can get sick of it. It's not just about the song but also the staying power and if people have connected with it in a certain way. I know that the tracks I put more emotion and depth into are the ones that have the staying power in clubs.
Even if you overcome a tremendous challenge and feel the personal victory, it's simply not powerful enough. It may activate your left brain, which says, 'I have achieved,' but it will not activate your more social right brain, which desperately desires to say, 'Look, Ma, I did it!'
Even if you walk exactly the same route each time - as with a sonnet - the events along the route cannot be imagined to be the same from day to day, as the poet's health, sight, his anticipations, moods, fears, thoughts cannot be the same.
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