Quotes with archaic

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  • Fran Lebowitz Girls who put out are tramps. Girls who don't are ladies. This is, however, a rather archaic usage of the word. Should one of you boys happen upon a girl who doesn't put out, do not jump to the conclusion that you have found a lady. What you have probably found is a lesbian.
    Fran Lebowitz
    American journalist (1950 - )
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  • Bruce Sterling Obsolescence and death, the reign of the archaic, the abandoned, and the corny: Really, if you saw Windows 3.0 on the sidewalk outside the building, would you bend over and pick it up?!?
    Source: in the Long Now talk The Singularity: Your Future as a Black Hole (2004)
    Bruce Sterling
    American science fiction author (1954 - )
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  • Bridget Riley Painting is, I think, inevitably an archaic activity and one that depends on spiritual values.
    Bridget Riley
    English painter (1931 - )
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  • Brad Holland Surrealism: An archaic term. Formerly an art movement. No longer distinguishable from everyday life.
    Brad Holland
    American basketball player (1956 - )
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  • Billy Gibbons The rawness and the richness of music on vinyl almost went away, but it still seems to be on a lot of people's radar, and for good reason. It does something different than more accessible means of music playing, like MP3 players and downloads and whatnot. You get in front of these archaic contraptions that go 'round and 'round.
    Billy Gibbons
    American musician, record producer, and actor (1949 - )
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  • Bob Weir They're protecting an archaic industry. They should turn their attention to new models.
    Bob Weir
    American musician and songwriter (1947 - )
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  • Beth Ditto This archaic idea - that a woman who is unmarried and childless at 30 is somehow unnatural - will probably always exist, and, like most social standards, it is ridiculous.
    Beth Ditto
    American singer-songwriter and actress (1981 - )
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  • Barnett Newman We assert that the subject is crucial and only that subject matter is valid which is tragic and timeless. That is why we profess spiritual kinship with primitive and archaic art.
    Barnett Newman
    American artist (1905 - 1970)
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