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Prayer busters (causes of unanswered prayer) are prayerlessness, unconfessed sin, unresolved relational conflict, selfishness, uncaring attitudes, and inadequate faith.
Too Busy Not to Pray -
The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.
Attitudes are the forerunners of conditions.
Attitudes to museums have changed. If it had Marilyn Monroe's knickers or Laurence Olivier's jockstrap they would flock to it.
Bondage is... subjection to external influences and internal negative thoughts and attitudes.
By including children with different learning abilities in mainstream and specialized schools, we can change attitudes and promote respect. By creating suitable jobs for adults with autism, we integrate them into society.
Eagles come in all shapes and sizes, but you will recognize them chiefly by their attitudes.
God knows people who are paid to have attitudes toward things, professional critics, make me sick; camp following eunuchs of literature. They won't even whore. They're all virtuous and sterile. And how well meaning and high minded. But they're all camp followers.
How we think shows through in how we act. Attitudes are mirrors of the mind. They reflect thinking.
Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.
I happen to feel that the degree of a person's intelligence is directly reflected by the number of conflicting attitudes she can bring to bear on the same topic.
If you don't set a baseline standard for what you'll accept in life, you'll find it's easy to slip into behaviors and attitudes or a quality of life that's far below what you deserve.
It is one of the most effective attitudes of the neurotic to measure thumbs down, so to speak, a real person by an ideal, since in doing so he can depreciate him as much as he wishes.
It would be futile to attempt to fit women into a masculine pattern of attitudes, skills and abilities and disastrous to force them to suppress their specifically female characteristics and abilities by keeping up the pretense that there are no differences between the sexes.
My life is an indivisible whole, and all my attitudes run into one another; and they all have their rise in my insatiable love for mankind.
Our environment, the world in which we live and work, is a mirror of our attitudes and expectations.
Question: Why are we Masters of our Fate, the captains of our souls? Because we have the power to control our thoughts, our attitudes. That is why many people live in the withering negative world. That is why many people live in the Positive Faith world.
Successful people have cultivated the habit of never denying to themselves their true feelings and attitudes. They have no need for pretenses.
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