Quotes with barren

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  • Alexander Maclaren ''The grace of God,'' says Luther, ''is like a flying summer shower.'' It has fallen upon more than one land, and passed on. Judea had it, and lies barren and dry. These Asiatic coasts had it, and flung it away.
    Alexander Maclaren
    British preacher (1826 - 1910)
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  • Marguerite Duras Alcohol is barren. The words a man speaks in the night of drunkenness fade like the darkness itself at the coming of day.
    Marguerite Duras
    French author and filmmaker (1914 - 1996)
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  • Sidonie Gabrielle Colette Can it be that chance has made me one of those women so immersed in one man that, whether they are barren or not, they carry with them to the grave the shriveled innocence of an old maid?
    Sidonie Gabrielle Colette
    French writer (1873 - 1954)
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  • Louis Pasteur Do not let yourself be tainted with a barren skepticism.
    Louis Pasteur
    French scientist (1822 - 1895)
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  • Buzz Aldrin Exploring and colonizing Mars can bring us new scientific understanding of climate change, of how planet-wide processes can make a warm and wet world into a barren landscape. By exploring and understanding Mars, we may gain key insights into the past and future of our own world.
    Buzz Aldrin
    American former astronaut, engineer and fighter (1930 - )
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  • Mary Wollstonecraft Independence I have long considered as the grand blessing of life, the basis of every virtue; and independence I will ever secure by contracting my wants, though I were to live on a barren heath.
    Mary Wollstonecraft
    British feministisch writer (1759 - 1797)
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  • Alfred Whitney Griswold It is a barren kind of criticism which tells you what a thing is not.
    Alfred Whitney Griswold
    American historian and educator (1906 - 1963)
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  • Samuel G. Goodrich Perseverance gives power to weakness, and opens to poverty the world's wealth. It spreads fertility over the barren landscape, and buds the choicest flowers and fruits spring up and flourish in the desert abode of thorns and briars.
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  • Friedrich von Schiller Revenge is barren of itself: it is the dreadful food it feeds on; its delight is murder, and its end is despair.
    Friedrich von Schiller
    German poet and playwright (1759 - 1805)
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  • George Eliot Speech is often barren; but silence also does not necessarily brood over a full nest. Your still fowl, blinking at you without remark, may all the while be sitting on one addled egg; and when it takes to cackling will have nothing to announce but that addled delusion.
    George Eliot
    English writer and poet (1819 - 1880)
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  • Sir John Bowring There is in every human heart Some not completely barren part, Where seeds of truth and love might grow, And flowers of generous virtue flow; To plant, to watch, to water there, This be our duty, be our care.
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  • A. C. Swinburne Time turns the old days to derision, our loves into corpses or wives; and marriage and death and division make barren our lives.
    A. C. Swinburne
    English poet and playwright (1837 - 1909)
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  • George Gilder Unlike femininity, relaxed masculinity is at bottom empty, a limp nullity. While the female body is full of internal potentiality, the male is internally barren. Manhood at the most basic level can be validated and expressed only in action.
    George Gilder
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  • Sir Arthur Helps Wise sayings often fall on barren ground; but a kind word is never thrown away.
    Sir Arthur Helps
    English writer and dean of the Privy Council (1813 - 1875)
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  • Omar Khayyam You know, my friends, with what a brave carouse I made a Second Marriage in my house; favored old barren reason from my bed, and took the daughter of the vine to spouse.
    Omar Khayyam
    Persian astronoom, poet (1048 - 1131)
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  • Ludwig Wittgenstein Never stay up on the barren heights of cleverness, but come down into the green valleys of silliness.
    Ludwig Wittgenstein
    Austrian - English philosopher (1889 - 1951)
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