Quotes with bedrooms

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  • Bruno Tonioli I always sleep on my own. I can't sleep with somebody else. Always separate bedrooms, bathrooms and closets. I'm very individual and I want my own space.
    Bruno Tonioli
    Italian choreographer and dancer (1955 - )
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  • Carl Rowan The Reagan Administration has fostered a climate in which a barest majority of the Supreme Court caters to the passions and hatreds of the American mob, stripping away the constitutional shield outside our bedrooms.... How tragically ironic that an Administration that promised to get Government off our backs is now so active in draping Government gumshoes over every part of our anatomies.
    Carl Rowan
    American government official, journalist and author (1925 - 2000)
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  • Carl Sandburg You remember some bedrooms you have slept in. There are bedrooms you like to remember and others you would like to forget.
    Carl Sandburg
    American Poet (1878 - 1967)
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