You searched for bradley did you mean:
- Francis H. Bradley: British Philosopher
- Andrew Coyle Bradley: American lawyer
- Bradley A. Smith: American law professor
- Bradley Whitford: American actor and political activist
- Bill Bradley: American former professional basketball player and politician
- Bradley Chicho: English poet
Quotes 1 till 20 of 126.
Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.
A belief in the purposeful complexity of Fate is always more comforting than random, straightforward facts. This may be why Mother preferred to believe in Atlantis and UFOs rather than in virtually everything else.
Buddy Holly is Alive and Well on Ganymede (1991) -
A lot of musicians don't learn the business. You just have to be well-rounded in both areas. You have to understand publishing. You have to understand how you make money, what's in demand, what helps you make the most out of your talent.
On running a label -
A Shakespearean tragedy as so far considered may be called a story of exceptional calamity leading to the death of a man in high estate. But it is clearly much more than this, and we have now to regard it from another side.
Aaron is a very passionate, maniacal writer so the scripts really come from him, but he is very open to... y'know, we'll plan ideas and we'll certainly tussle about stuff when the script comes out. So, to a certain extent, he's very interested. If there's some problem or something that doesn't ring true, he wants to know why and he wants to correct it or fight for it.
Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived. It is a pity that this is still the only knowledge of their wives at which some men seem to arrive.
Al Gore clearly has the vision... it's a much better vision than that of George W. Bush.
All I really want to be is boring. When people talk about me, I'd like them to say, Carol's basically a short Bill Bradley. Or, Carol's kind of like Al Gore in a skirt.
All the information you need is available to you to have a successful career in music, if you're paying attention, and not closed off to anything. Remember, Perseverance is King.
On running a label Indie Journal Interview -
Americans may not always live up to the Bill of Rights, but Americans do not ban books.
Anybody who can dial a telephone can master tennis scoring in about 15 minutes.
Becoming number one is easier than remaining number one.
Bits and pieces flung into the universe, sticking in the sky like cotton balls on a jet black velcro surface.
Blunders, no, only friendship binds us to honesty - attracting crypts of mushrooms in the wake of our snowboards.
Both Brutus and Hamlet are highly intellectual by nature and reflective by habit. Both may even be called, in a popular sense, philosophic; Brutus may be called so in a stricter sense.
Bush Sr. was a jerk, Quayle an idiot, Clinton was atrocious and disgusting, most of those who persecuted him were hypocritical, Gore is shallow and weak, Bradley is an idealist, Bush Jr. a fool, and all of the independent candidates act like they're on drugs.
But, in addition, there is, all through the tragedy, a constant alternation of rises and falls in this tension or in the emotional pitch of the work, a regular sequence of more exciting and less exciting sections.
By law, super PACs are required to disclose their donors. There are groups that have never had to disclose their donors, non-profits such as the Sierra Club, Planned Parenthood, the NAACP, and the NRA. If you want more disclosure, super PACs are a step forward.
Companions are we, enlivened by a mighty gallop quickly sliding a harsh straw basket of sea foam gathered astride the tide.
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