Quotes with cathedral

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  • Marcel Proust A cathedral, a wave of storm, a dancer's leap, never turn out to be as high as we had hoped.
    Marcel Proust
    French writer and critic (1871 - 1922)
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  • Robert Louis Stevenson I never weary of great churches. It is my favorite kind of mountain scenery. Mankind was never so happily inspired as when it made a cathedral.
    Robert Louis Stevenson
    Scottish writer and poet (1850 - 1894)
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  • Virginia Woolf That great Cathedral space which was childhood.
    Virginia Woolf
    English writer (1882 - 1941)
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  • Elizabeth Bowen The charm, one might say the genius of memory, is that it is choosy, chancy, and temperamental: it rejects the edifying cathedral and indelibly photographs the small boy outside, chewing a hunk of melon in the dust.
    Elizabeth Bowen
    Anglo-Irish Novelist (1899 - 1973)
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  • Henry Louis Mencken The opera is to music what a bawdy house is to a cathedral.
    Henry Louis Mencken
    American journalist and critic (1880 - 1956)
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  • Hubert Humphrey The pursuit of peace resembles the building of a great cathedral. It is the work of a generation. In concept it requires a master-architect; in execution, the labors of many.
    Hubert Humphrey
    American politician (1911 - 1978)
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  • Anita Diamant The Sabbath is a weekly cathedral raised up in my dining room, in my family, in my heart.
    Anita Diamant
    American author (1951 - )
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  • Bayard Taylor Walking at random through the streets, we came by chance upon the Cathedral of Notre Dame. I shall long remember my first impression of the scene within. The lofty gothic ceiling arched far above my head and through the stained windows the light came but dimly - it was all still, solemn and religious.
    Bayard Taylor
    American poet, travel author, and diplomat (1825 - 1878)
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  • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry A pile of rocks ceases to be a rock when somebody contemplates it with the idea of a cathedral in mind.
    Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    French writer (1900 - 1944)
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  • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.
    Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    French writer (1900 - 1944)
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  • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry We say nothing essential about the cathedral when we speak of its stones. We say nothing essential about Man when we seek to define him by the qualities of men.
    Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    French writer (1900 - 1944)
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