Quotes with changé

Quotes 301 till 320 of 705.

  • Charles Darwin It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.
    Charles Darwin
    English scientist and biologist (1809 - 1882)
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  • Yann Martel It is true that those we meet can change us, sometimes so profoundly that we are not the same afterwards, even unto our names.”
    Source: Het leven van Pi p.36
    Yann Martel
    Canadian author (1963 - )
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  • Alan Cohen It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.
    Alan Cohen
    American businessman (1954 - )
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  • Sidonie Gabrielle Colette It takes time for the absent to assume their true shape in our thoughts. After death they take on a firmer outline and then cease to change.
    Sidonie Gabrielle Colette
    French writer (1873 - 1954)
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  • A. N. Wilson It would no doubt be very sentimental to argue - but I would argue it nevertheless - that the peculiar combination of joy and sadness in bell music - both of clock chimes, and of change-ringing - is very typical of England. It is of a piece with the irony in which English people habitually address one another.
    A. N. Wilson
    English writer and columnist (1950 - )
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  • Marcia Wieder It's how we spend our time here and now, that really matters. If you are fed up with the way you have come to interact with time, change it.
    Marcia Wieder
    CEO and Founder of Dream University
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  • Carrie Mae Weems It's impossible to change the social without changing the personal - you have to put your money where your mouth is. And if you're not making those challenges at home, it's unlikely you'll make them in a larger setting.
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  • Bill Hicks It's just a ride and we can change it any time we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings and money, a choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your door, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one.
    Bill Hicks
    American stand-up comedian, social critic, satirist and musician (1961 - 1994)
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  • Sebastian Faulks It's only after the change is fully formed that you can see what's happened.
    Source: Engleby (2007)
    Sebastian Faulks
    British novelist, journalist and broadcaster (1953 - )
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  • Mignon McLaughlin It's the most unhappy people who most fear change.
    Mignon McLaughlin
    American writer, editor (1913 - 1983)
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  • Barack Obama It's time to fundamentally change the way that we do business in Washington. To help build a new foundation for the 21st century, we need to reform our government so that it is more efficient, more transparent, and more creative. That will demand new thinking and a new sense of responsibility for every dollar that is spent.
    Barack Obama
    American politician (1961 - )
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  • Bing Gordon It's very difficult for people who don't play video games to understand their power simply by watching, and it's very difficult for people who aren't close to technology to understand how rapidly it can change whatever it touches.
    Bing Gordon
    American video game executive and technology venture capitalist
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  • Carol Bartz It's very, very hard to affect culture. And you can get surprised thinking you're farther down the path of change than you really are because, frankly, most of us like the way things are.
    Carol Bartz
    American business executive (1948 - )
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  • Andrew Vachss Journalism is what maintains democracy. It's the force for progressive social change.
    Andrew Vachss
    American crime fiction author (1942 - )
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  • Buzz Aldrin Just as Mars - a desert planet - gives us insights into global climate change on Earth, the promise awaits for bringing back to life portions of the Red Planet through the application of Earth Science to its similar chemistry, possibly reawakening its life-bearing potential.
    Buzz Aldrin
    American former astronaut, engineer and fighter (1930 - )
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  • Hugh Prather Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes and I am left the same. The more things change the more I am the same. I am what I started with, and when it is all over I will be all that is left of me.
    Hugh Prather
    American self-help author (1938 - 2010)
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  • Bill Watterson Know what's weird? Day by day, nothing seems to change. But pretty soon, everything's different.
    Bill Watterson
    American cartoonist (1958 - )
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  • Candice Millard Late-19th-century America, with all its chaotic change and immense potential, seems to have been the perfect place to become not someone else, but someone new.
    Candice Millard
    American writer and journalist (1968 - )
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  • Alice Meynell Let a man turn to his own childhood - no further - if he will renew his sense of remoteness, and of the mystery of change.
    Alice Meynell
    British poet, writer (1847 - 1922)
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  • Barack Obama Let me be absolutely clear. Israel is a strong friend of Israel's. It will be a strong friend of Israel's under a McCain administration. It will be a strong friend of Israel's under an Obama administration. So that policy is not going to change.
    Barack Obama
    American politician (1961 - )
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