Quotes with chased

Quotes 1 till 8 of 8.

  • Bruce Cockburn All the diamonds in this world
    That mean anything to me
    Are conjured up
    by wind and sunlight sparkling on the sea
    I ran aground in a harbor town
    Lost the taste for being free
    Thank God he sent some gull chased ship
    To carry me to sea...
    Source: Salt,Sun and Time (1974) All the Diamonds in the World, Track 1
    Bruce Cockburn
    Canadian singer-songwriter and guitarist (1945 - )
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  • William Shakespeare All things that are,
    Are with more spirit chased than enjoyed.
    William Shakespeare
    English playwright and poet (1564 - 1616)
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  • Barbara Demick In 2012, a five-year-old girl in Shandong province described to me how ten officials had chased her six-months-pregnant mother through the fields to prevent the birth of the family's second child, a boy. She died during the procedure.
    Barbara Demick
    American journalist
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  • Bjorn Ulvaeus In the beginning of my career, I wanted to be chased by girls more than anything - that's why I got the guitar. By the time we were in ABBA, the music was the only important thing.
    Bjorn Ulvaeus
    Swedish songwriter, producer, member of ABBA (1945 - )
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  • Boman Irani Sometime you go out and you wonder why these people are standing in the rain, and then you realize that years ago you were a fan, too. I, too, was chased by cops for watching my favourite celebrities.
    Boman Irani
    Indian actor (1959 - )
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  • Bennett Cerf There have been too many [books] in which some young man is looking forward, backward or sideways in anger. Or in which some Southern youth is being chased through the magnolia bushes by his aunt. She catches him on page 28 with horrid results.
    Bennett Cerf
    American publisher (1898 - 1971)
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  • Bill Bailey This is the news theme, but it sounds like pure Hollywood entertainment. It sounds like E.T. on a horse being chased by Darth Vader, which is something I'd love to see.
    Source: Remarkable Guide to the Orchestra
    Bill Bailey
    English comedian, musician and actor (1965 - )
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  • Wayne Dyer When I chased after money, I never had enough. When I got my life on purpose and focused on giving of myself and everything that arrived into my life, then I was prosperous.
    Wayne Dyer
    American philosopher, self-help author, and a motivational speaker. (1940 - 2015)
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