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- Carol P. Christ: American feminist historian and author
Quotes 1 till 20 of 140.
If Christians would really live according to the teachings of Christ, as found in the Bible, all of India would be Christian today.
A love to Christ which is so cowardly and selfish that it is unwilling to proclaim by a public confession its faith in Him who hung before all the world crucified for sinners, is a love which is hardly worth the name.
Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers (1895) -
As we mature spiritually, we exhibit a growing capacity to care for and appreciate one another in the body of Christ, regardless of our differences.
The Jews have been hardened against Christ, against decency for thousands of years... They're gonna have to be annihilated, Eugene.
Speaking to Eugene Torre, Radio Interview, May 24 1999 [13] -
The Three in One, the One in Three? Not so! To my own Gods I go. It may be they shall give me greater ease than your cold Christ and tangled Trinities.
A Christian is nothing but a sinful man who has put himself to school for Christ for the honest purpose of becoming better.
A lot of people say to me, ''Why did you kill Christ?'' ''I dunno... it was one of those parties, got out of hand, you know.'' ''We killed him because he didn't want to become a doctor, that's why we killed him.''
A rule I have had for years is: to treat the Lord Jesus Christ as a personal friend. His is not a creed, a mere doctrine, but it is He Himself we have.
A young girl was asked: ''Whose preaching brought you to Christ?'' ''It wasn't anybody's preaching; it was Aunt Mary's practicing,'' he replied. The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith, and the beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety.
Above all the grace and the gifts that Christ gives to his beloved is that of overcoming self.
Actually, it doesn't matter - Krishna or Christ - the name is the same. The main point is to follow the injunctions of the Vedic scriptures that recommend chanting the name of God in this age.
Bhaktivedanta Vedabase (2003) -
After much diligent research, aided by other women, I gradually came to understand that beneath the familiar Goddesses of the patriarchy, there is a much more ancient Goddess.
Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and myself founded empires; but what foundation did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force. Jesus Christ founded an empire upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for Him.
All that I am I owe to Jesus Christ, revealed to me in His divine Book.
Archbishop - A Christian ecclesiastic of a rank superior to that attained by Christ.
Art is not necessary at all. All that is necessary to make this world a better place to live in is to love -to love as Christ loved, as Buddha loved.
As I toiled up the Mount of Olives, in the very footsteps of Christ, panting with the heat and the difficult ascent, I found it utterly impossible to conceive that the Deity, in human form, had walked there before me.
As preachers of the gospel of Jesus, do not expect worldly honors: these Jesus Christ neither took to himself, nor gave to his disciples.
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