Quotes with clothe

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  • John Greenleaf Whittier Clothe with life the weak intent, let me be the thing I meant.
    John Greenleaf Whittier
    American poet and writer (1807 - 1892)
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  • Albert J. Beveridge It is a noble land that God has given us: a land that can feed and clothe the world; a land whose coastlines would enclose half the countries of Europe; a land set like a sentinel between the two imperial oceans of the globe.
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  • George W. Crane Language is the apparel in which your thoughts parade before the public. Never clothe them in vulgar or shoddy attire.
    George W. Crane
    American psychologist and physician
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  • Caroline Lawrence Plot is what happens in your story. Every story needs structure, just as every body needs a skeleton. It is how you 'flesh out and clothe' your structure that makes each story unique.
    Caroline Lawrence
    English American author (1954 - )
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