Quotes with colleague

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  • George Bernard Shaw Every doctor will allow a colleague to decimate a whole countryside sooner than violate the bond of professional etiquette by giving him away.
    George Bernard Shaw
    Irish-English writer and critic (1856 - 1950)
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  • Alan Clark There's nothing so improves the mood of the Party as the imminent execution of a senior colleague.
    Alan Clark
    British politician, author and diarist (0 - 1999)
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  • Anne C. Weisberg We felt often that we were perceived as mothers trying to be lawyers, while a male colleague of ours who had a young child was perceived as a lawyer who also happened to be a father.
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  • Arthur Laffer What I'm not saying is that all government spending is bad. It's not - far, far from it, but there is no free lunch, as a former colleague of mine used to say. There is no public tooth fairy. Father Christmas does not work on the Treasury staff this year. You can never bail someone out of trouble without putting someone else into trouble.
    Arthur Laffer
    American economist and author (1940 - )
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