Quotes 1 till 20 of 120.
His absent-minded scientist, Dr. Strabismus (whom God Preserve) of Utrecht, had to his credit a list of inventions that included 'a leather grape', 'a revolving wheelbarrow', 'a hollow glass walking stick for keeping very small flannel shirts in...
Political success is the ability, when the inevitable occurs, to get credit for it.
A check or credit card, a Gucci bag strap, anything of value will do. Give as you live.
A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of the credit.
A pioneer is generally a man who has outlived his credit or fortune in the cultivated parts.
Ability is the art of getting credit for all the home runs somebody else hits.
Any investment bought via credit always runs the risk of margin calls and, eventually, liquidation.
Any party which takes credit for the rain must not be surprised if its opponents blame it for the drought.
As long as we are lucky we attribute it to our smartness; our bad luck we give the gods credit for.
Blest paper-credit! last and best supply! That lends corruption lighter wings to fly!
Bond investors want growth much like equity investors, and to the extent that too much austerity leads to recession or stagnation then credit spreads widen out - even if a country can print its own currency and write its own cheques.
Bowie was much more responsible for the aesthetic of punk rock than he's been given credit for, like, in fact, most interesting things in the Seventies and Eighties.
Rolling Stone interview (2005) -
Consumers going through foreclosure typically will see their credit scores drop, raising longer-term questions about their ability to rebound financially and perhaps pursue a more sustainable home purchase at some later point.
Credit buying is much like being drunk. The buzz happens immediately, and it gives you a lift. The hangover comes the day after.
Credit is a system whereby a person who can not pay gets another person who can not pay to guarantee that he can pay.
Credit is like a looking-glass, which when once sullied by a breath, may be wiped clear again; but if once cracked can never be repaired.
First of all, the music that people call Latin or Spanish is really African. So Black people need to get the credit for that.
For me, the card catalog has been a companion all my working life. To leave it is like leaving the house one was brought up in.
All credit-card famous quotes and sayings you will always find on greatest-quotations.com