Quotes with curative

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  • Henry Miller Analysis brings no curative powers in its train; it merely makes us conscious of the existence of an evil, which, oddly enough, is consciousness.
    Henry Miller
    American writer (1891 - 1980)
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  • Saul Landau Study is the scourge of boyhood, the environment of youth, the indulgence of adults and the curative for the aged.
    Saul Landau
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  • Friedrich Nietzsche War has always been the grand sagacity of every spirit which has grown too inward and too profound; its curative power lies even in the wounds one receives.
    Friedrich Nietzsche
    German poet and philosopher (1844 - 1900)
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  • Anne Wilson Schaef We have finally started to notice that there is real curative value in local herbs and remedies. In fact, we are also becoming aware that there are little or no side effects to most natural remedies, and that they are often more effective than Western medicine.
    Anne Wilson Schaef
    American clinical psychologist and author
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