Quotes with death-bed

Quotes 81 till 100 of 811.

  • Edith Wharton Almost everybody in the neighborhood had ''troubles,'' frankly localized and specified; but only the chosen had ''complications.'' To have them was in itself a distinction, though it was also, in most cases, a death warrant. People struggled on for years wit
    Edith Wharton
    American Author (1862 - 1937)
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  • Richard Dawkins Although many of us fear death, I think there is something illogical about it.
    Richard Dawkins
    English ethologist, evolutionary biologist and author (1941 - )
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  • C. S. Forester Although she herself was ill enough to justify being in bed had been a person weak-minded enough to give up, Rose Sawyer could see that her brother, the Reverend Samuel Sayer, was far more ill.
    C. S. Forester
    English novelist (1899 - 1966)
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  • Jose Ortega Y Gasset An ''unemployed'' existence is a worse negation of life than death itself.
    Jose Ortega Y Gasset
    Spanish writer and philosopher (1883 - 1955)
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  • John Fowles An answer is always a form of death.
    John Fowles
    English novelist (1926 - 2005)
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  • Ovid An evil life is a kind of death.
    Roman poet (43 - 17)
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  • Jacques Prevert An orange on the table, your dress on the rug, and you in my bed, sweet present of the present, cool of night, warmth of my life.
    Jacques Prevert
    French poet and prose st (1900 - 1977)
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  • Bodhidharma And as long as you're subject to birth and death, you'll never attain enlightenment.
    Source: The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma
    semi-legendary Buddhist monk
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  • Bob Dylan And I hope that you die
    And your death'll come soon
    I will follow your casket
    In the pale afternoon
    And I'll watch while you're lowered
    Down to your deathbed
    And I'll stand o'er your grave
    'Til I'm sure that you're dead
    Source: The Freewheelin Bob Dylan (1963)
    Bob Dylan
    American musician (1941 - )
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  • Ben Nighthorse Campbell And it sends an important message to me, because I am sick to death to hear my opponent saying Republicans don't trust me. They do trust me, in landslide proportions, and they're proving it tonight. We're going to bury that for good.
    Ben Nighthorse Campbell
    American Cheyenne politician (1933 - )
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  • Barry Humphries And so I set these things down before the onset of the first of a thousand small physical degradations as, in a still-distant suburb, Death strides whistling towards me.
    Source: My Life as Me: A Memoir
    Barry Humphries
    Australian comedian, actor, artist, and author (1934 - 2023)
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  • James Elroy Flecker And some to Meccah turn to pray, and I toward thy bed, Yasmin.
    James Elroy Flecker
    English poet (1884 - 1915)
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  • Barnett Newman Any art worthy of its name should address 'life', 'man', 'nature', 'death' and 'tragedy'.
    Barnett Newman
    American artist (1905 - 1970)
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  • Betty Bender Anything I've ever done that ultimately was worthwhile... initially scared me to death.
    Betty Bender
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  • Bruce Dickinson Apart from death and taxes, the one thing that's certain in this life is that I'll never be a fashion icon.
    Bruce Dickinson
    English singer and songwriter (1958 - )
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  • John Keats Are there not thousands in the world who love their fellows even to the death, who feel the giant agony of the world, and more, like slaves to poor humanity, labor for mortal good?
    John Keats
    English poet (1795 - 1821)
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  • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Are wars... anything but the means whereby a nation's problems are set, where creation is stimulated - there you have adventure. But there is no adventure in heads-or-tails, in betting that the toss will come out of life or death. War is not an adventure. It is a disease. It is like typhus.
    Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    French writer (1900 - 1944)
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  • Boris Pasternak Art has two constant, two unending concerns: It always meditates on death and thus always creates life. All great, genuine art resembles and continues the Revelation of St John.
    Boris Pasternak
    Russian writer (1890 - 1960)
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  • William Blake Art is the tree of life. Science is the tree of death.
    William Blake
    English poet (1757 - 1827)
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  • Edgar W. Howe As a man handles his troubles during the day, so he goes to bed at night a General, Captain, or Private.
    Edgar W. Howe
    American journalist and writer (1853 - 1937)
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