Quotes with deceit

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  • Aaron Hill Deceit is the false road to happiness; and all the joys we travel through to vice, like fairy banquets, vanish when we touch them.
    Aaron Hill
    English dramatist and writer (1685 - 1750)
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  • Colette I am indebted to the cat for a particular kind of honorable deceit, for a greater control over myself, for a characteristic aversion to brutal sounds, and for the need to keep silent for long periods of time.
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  • Brendan I. Koerner Inventing sources is not a crime in and of itself, although it certainly violates every code of journalistic ethics known to man. A criminal fraud case would require that the reporter's deceit had been malicious and resulted in financial gain.
    Brendan I. Koerner
    American author (1974 - )
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  • Noël Coward It is discouraging how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.
    Noël Coward
    British writer (1899 - 1973)
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  • George Eliot It is generally a feminine eye that first detects the moral deficiencies hidden under the ''dear deceit'' of beauty.
    George Eliot
    English writer and poet (1819 - 1880)
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  • John Dryden Nature meant me a wife, a silly harmless household Dove, fond without art; and kind without deceit.
    John Dryden
    English poet and playwright (1631 - 1700)
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  • Demosthenes Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true.
    Greek statesman and orator (382 - 322)
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  • C. Day Lewis Now the peak of summer's past, the sky is overcast And the love we swore would last for an age seems deceit.
    C. Day Lewis
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  • John Tillotson The art of using deceit and cunning grow continually weaker and less effective to the user.
    John Tillotson
    British theologist (1630 - 1694)
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  • Adam Ferguson The cunning man uses deceit, but the more cunning man shuns deception.
    Adam Ferguson
    Scottish philosopher and historian (1723 - 1816)
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  • Hitopadesa The people of the world having once been deceived, suspect deceit in truth itself.
    Indian text in Sanskrit
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  • June Jordan The purpose of polite behavior is never virtuous. Deceit, surrender, and concealment: these are not virtues. The goal of the mannerly is comfort, per se.
    June Jordan
    American poet and civil rights activist (1939 - )
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  • John Dryden When I consider life, it is all a cheat. Yet fooled with hope, people favor this deceit.
    John Dryden
    English poet and playwright (1631 - 1700)
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