Quotes with defines

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  • Bart Starr Athletic competition clearly defines the unique power of our attitude.
    Bart Starr
    American football quarterback and coach (1934 - )
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  • Bing Gordon For missionary entrepreneurs, the dream outcome is to build an 'Internet treasure' - a brand that defines a generation, proves that we are better than our parents, and becomes something we couldn't live without.
    Bing Gordon
    American video game executive and technology venture capitalist
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  • Jane Austen It isn't what we say or think that defines us, but what we do.
    Jane Austen
    English writer (1775 - 1817)
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  • Carlton Fisk It's not what you achieve, it's what you overcome. That's what defines your career.
    Carlton Fisk
    American baseball player (1947 - )
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  • Edward Gardner It's not what you take but what you leave behind that defines greatness.
    Edward Gardner
    English conductor
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  • C. S. Lewis No Christian and, indeed, no historian could accept the epigram which defines religion as 'what a man does with his solitude.
    Source: The Weight of Glory
    C. S. Lewis
    Irish novelist and poet (1898 - 1963)
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  • Angela Davis No march, movement, or agenda that defines manhood in the narrowest terms and seeks to make women lesser partners in this quest for equality can be considered a positive step.
    Angela Davis
    American political activist, philosopher, academic, and author (1944 - )
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  • Renata Adler Nothing defines the quality of life in a community more clearly than people who regard themselves, or whom the consensus chooses to regard, as mentally unwell.
    Renata Adler
    American author, journalist, and film (1937 - )
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  • E. M. Cioran To exist is equivalent to an act of faith, a protest against the truth, an interminable prayer. As soon as they consent to live, the unbeliever and the man of faith are fundamentally the same, since both have made the only decision that defines a being.
    E. M. Cioran
    French-Romanian philosopher (1911 - 1995)
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  • Angela Merkel We feel bound to the Christian image of humanity - that is what defines us. Those who do not accept this are in the wrong place here.
    Angela Merkel
    German politician and chancellor (1954 - )
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  • Al Sharpton Who defines terrorists? Today's terrorist is tomorrow's friend.
    Al Sharpton
    American civil rights activist, Baptist minister and talk show host (1954 - )
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