Quotes with democracy

  • Network technology has irrevocably changed campaigning and elections. It has the potential to transform governance and the workings of our democracy for the better.
  • Democracy is the process by which people choose the man who'll get the blame.
  • It's not the voting that's democracy, it's the counting.
  • The U.S. Constitution is the basic framework for the greatest democracy on Earth. Some of my colleagues find it easy to amend it. I don't.
  • On a Chinese film you just give orders, no one questions you. Here, you have to convince people, you have to tell them why you want to do it a certain way, and they argue with you. Democracy.
  • Apparently, a democracy is a place where numerous elections are held at great cost without issues and with interchangeable candidates.
  • Chinks in America's egalitarian armor are not hard to find. Democracy is the fig leaf of elitism.
  • The struggle for democracy and human rights in Burma is a struggle for life and dignity. It is a struggle that encompasses our political, social and economic aspirations.
  • Saddam's ouster will not necessarily lead to the same result, since Iraq lacks democratic traditions. Democracy doesn't just consist of holding elections.
  • In a democracy one must have the right to express oneself and that's what I do, even if it displeases.

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  • George Bernard Shaw Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few.
    George Bernard Shaw
    Irish-English writer and critic (1856 - 1950)
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  • John Simon Democracy encourages the majority to decide things about which the majority is ignorant.
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  • Ralph Waldo Emerson Democracy becomes a government of bullies tempered by editors.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    American poet and philosopher (1803 - 1882)
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  • Winston Churchill Democracy isn't perfect, I just don't know a better system.
    Winston Churchill
    English statesman (1874 - 1965)
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  • Alan Coren Democracy consists of choosing your dictators, after they've told you what it is you want to hear.
    Alan Coren
    English humourist, writer and satirist (1938 - 2007)
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  • Bill Vaughan A citizen of America will cross the ocean to fight for democracy, but won't cross the street to vote in a national election.
    Bill Vaughan
    American columnist and author (1915 - 1977)
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  • Walter Gropius A modern, harmonic and lively architecture is the visible sign of an authentic democracy.
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  • Henry Louis Mencken Adultery is the application of democracy to love.
    Henry Louis Mencken
    American journalist and critic (1880 - 1956)
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  • Benjamin Haydon All government is an evil, but, of the two form's of that evil, democracy or monarchy, the sounder is monarchy; the more able to do its will, democracy.
    Benjamin Haydon
    British artist (1786 - 1846)
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  • Agnes Repplier Democracy forever teases us with the contrast between its ideals and its realities, between its heroic possibilities and its sorry achievements.
    Agnes Repplier
    American writer and social criticus (1855 - 1950)
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  • Russell B. Long Democracy is like a raft: It won't sink, but you will always have your feet wet.
    Russell B. Long
    American Democratic politician (1918 - 2003)
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  • Woodrow Wilson Democracy is not so much a form of government as a set of principles.
    Woodrow Wilson
    American president (1856 - 1924)
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  • Henry Louis Mencken Democracy is the theory that the common people know what They want, and deserve to get it good and hard.
    Henry Louis Mencken
    American journalist and critic (1880 - 1956)
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  • James Russell Lowell I have always been of the mind that in a democracy manners are the only effective weapons against the bowie-knife.
    James Russell Lowell
    American Romantic poet, critic, editor, and diplomat (1819 - 1891)
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  • Bayard Rustin If we desire a society of peace, then we cannot achieve such a society through violence. If we desire a society without discrimination, then we must not discriminate against anyone in the process of building this society. If we desire a society that is democratic, then democracy must become a means as well as an end.
    Bayard Rustin
    American activist (1912 - 1987)
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  • Franklin D. Roosevelt No democracy can long survive which does not accept as fundamental to its very existence the recognition of the rights of minorities.
    Franklin D. Roosevelt
    American statesman (1882 - 1945)
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  • B. R. Ambedkar Political democracy cannot last unless there lies at the base of it social democracy. What does social democracy mean? It means a way of life which recognizes liberty, equality and fraternity as the principles of life.
    B. R. Ambedkar
    Indian jurist, economist and politician (1891 - 1956)
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  • G.W.F. Hegel The East knew and to the present day knows only that One is Free; the Greek and the Roman world, that some are free; the German World knows that All are free. The first political form therefore which we observe in History, is Despotism, the second Democracy and Aristocracy, the third, Monarchy.
    G.W.F. Hegel
    German philosopher (1770 - 1831)
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  • Alexis de Tocqueville What is the most important for democracy is not that great fortunes should not exist, but that great fortunes should not remain in the same hands. In that way there are rich men, but they do not form a class.
    Alexis de Tocqueville
    French aristocrat, political philosopher and sociologist (1805 - 1859)
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  • Armstrong Williams A global democracy works only when countries trust one another.
    Armstrong Williams
    American political commentator, entrepreneur and author (1962 - )
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