Quotes with displays

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  • Baltasar Gracian Don't show off every day, or you'll stop surprising people. There must always be some novelty left over. The person who displays a little more of it each day keeps up expectations, and no one ever discovers the limits of his talent.
    Source: The Art of Worldly Wisdom
    Baltasar Gracian
    Spanish Jesuit and philosopher (1601 - 1658)
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  • Benjamin Franklin He that displays too often his wife and his wallet is in danger of having both of them borrowed.
    Benjamin Franklin
    American statesman and physicist (1706 - 1790)
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  • Umberto Eco I would define the poetic effect as the capacity that a text displays for continuing to generate different readings, without ever being completely consumed.
    Umberto Eco
    Italian writer and critic (1932 - 2016)
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  • Alexander Chase One who understands much displays a greater simplicity of character than one who understands little.
    Alexander Chase
    American journalist and editor (1926 - )
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  • Bill Dedman Relaxing at home in his 55th-floor condominium before a game, Sammy Sosa is the same as at the ball park: focused but funny, exuberant but reserved. He is in a strange country, conversing in two languages, but his every movement displays a combination of confidence and humility.
    Bill Dedman
    American journalist (1960 - )
    - +
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