Quotes with dreads

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  • Camille Paglia Freud says, Man fears that his strength will be taken from him by woman, dreads becoming infected with her femininity and then proving himself a weakling. Masculinity must fight off effeminacy day by day. Woman and nature stand ever ready to reduce the male to boy and infant.
    Source: Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson (1990)
    Camille Paglia
    American academic and social critic (1947 - )
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  • Seneca He who dreads hostility too much is unfit to rule.
    Roman philosopher, statesman and playwright (5 - 65)
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  • Fulton J. Sheen Pride is an admission of weakness; it secretly fears all competition and dreads all rivals.
    Fulton J. Sheen
    American bishop (1895 - 1979)
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  • Washington Irving There is a healthful hardiness about real dignity that never dreads contact and communion with others however humble.
    Washington Irving
    American writer (1783 - 1859)
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  • Henry Fielding There is nothing a man of good sense dreads in a wife so much as her having more sense than himself.
    Henry Fielding
    English writer (1707 - 1754)
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  • Bartholomew Dowling Who dreads to the dust returning?
    Who shrinks from the sable shore,
    Where the high and haughty yearning
    Of the soul can sting no more?
    Source: The Revel: Time of the Famine and Plague in India, reported in Bartletts Familiar Quotations, 10th ed.
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  • Bram Stoker How blessed are some people, whose lives have no fears, no dreads; to whom sleep is a blessing that comes nightly, and brings nothing but sweet dreams.
    Source: Dracula
    Bram Stoker
    Irish author (1847 - 1912)
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