Quotes with drudgery

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  • Oswald C. Hoffman Evangelism as the New Testament describes it is not child's play. Evangelism is work, often hard work. Yet it is not drudgery. It puts person in good humor, and makes him truly human.
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  • Bryan Burrough Just being able to get paid to do something you love is a wonderful thing. That said, a writer's daily routine, unless you're Dominick Dunne, isn't exactly glamorous. Much of it amounts to drudgery, staring at a computer screen all day in a room by yourself, juggling nouns and verbs to make a demanding editor happy.
    Bryan Burrough
    American author and correspondent (1961 - )
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  • Betty Friedan The suburban housewife - she was the dream image of the young American women and the envy, it was said, of women all over the world. The American housewife - freed by science and labor-saving appliances from the drudgery, the dangers of childbirth, and the illnesses of her grandmother had found true feminine fulfillment.
    Betty Friedan
    American feministisch writer (1921 - 2006)
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  • Logan Pearsall Smith The test of a vocation is the love of the drudgery it involves.
    Logan Pearsall Smith
    English writer (1865 - 1946)
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  • Thomas Jefferson To myself, personally, it brings nothing but increasing drudgery and daily loss of friends.
    Thomas Jefferson
    American statesman (1743 - 1826)
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  • Charles Caleb Colton To sentence a man of true genius, to the drudgery of a school is to put a racehorse on a treadmill.
    Charles Caleb Colton
    English writer (1777 - 1832)
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  • Colleen C. Barrett Work is either fun or drudgery. It depends on your attitude. I like fun.
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  • Henry Ward Beecher Work is not a curse, but drudgery is!
    Henry Ward Beecher
    American Congregationalist clergyman, social reformer, and speaker (1813 - 1887)
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  • Carmen Agra Deedy You're more likely to finish a book you enjoy, than one that feels like literary drudgery.
    Carmen Agra Deedy
    American author of children’s literature
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