Quotes with drunkard

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  • Arthur Keith A drunkard is one thing, and a temperate man is quite another.
    Arthur Keith
    Scottish anatomist and anthropologist (1866 - 1952)
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  • Epictetus He is a drunkard who takes more than three glasses though he be not drunk.
    Roman philosopher (50 - 130)
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  • George Santayana The irrational in the human has something about it altogether repulsive and terrible, as we see in the maniac, the miser, the drunkard or the ape.
    George Santayana
    Spanish - American philosopher (1863 - 1952)
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  • Bruce Perens The strategic marketing paradigm of Open Source is a massively-parallel drunkard's walk filtered by a Darwinistic process.
    Bruce Perens
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  • Ralph Waldo Emerson There is this to be said in favor of drinking, that it takes the drunkard first out of society, then out of the world.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    American poet and philosopher (1803 - 1882)
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