Quotes with dry-rot

Quotes 21 till 40 of 48.

  • David Herbert Lawrence If a woman hasn't got a tiny streak of a harlot in her, she's a dry stick as a rule.
    David Herbert Lawrence
    English writer (1885 - 1930)
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  • Bill Buford If kept dry, a chocolate with a high cacao content, I've discovered, rarely spoils.
    Bill Buford
    American author and journalist
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  • Bruce Lee If you want to learn to swim jump into the water. On dry land no frame of mind is ever going to help you.
    Bruce Lee
    Chinese-American Actor, Director, Author, Martial Artist (1940 - 1973)
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  • Candice Glover In every interview, when they would ask me who should be a judge, I would always say Harry Connick, Jr., so I think I had something to do with him becoming a judge! He has a blunt, dry sense of humor. You never know if he's joking or not, and I think that's going to catch a lot of people by surprise.
    Candice Glover
    American R&B singer and actress (1989 - )
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  • Bliss Carman Indifference may not wreck a man's life at any one turn, but it will destroy him with a kind of dry-rot in the long run.
    Bliss Carman
    Canadian poet (1861 - 1929)
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  • Pearl S. Buck Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that is where I renew my springs that never dry up.
    Pearl S. Buck
    American novelist (1892 - 1973)
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  • Bernard De Voto It is imperative to maintain portions of the wilderness untouched so that a tree will rot where it falls, a waterfall will pour its curve without generating electricity, a trumpeter swan may float on uncontaminated water - and moderns may at least see what their ancestors knew in their nerves and blood.
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  • Emily Carr It is not all bad, this getting old, ripening. After the fruit has got its growth it should juice up and mellow. God forbid I should live long enough to ferment and rot and fall to the ground in a squash.
    Emily Carr
    Canadian artist and writer (1871 - 1945)
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  • Alfred Einstein It was inevitable that in doing this I should arrive at new results, and it is perhaps understandable that in the end I have felt impelled to present these results not only in the dry form of a catalogue, but also in a more connected and personal one.
    Source: Mozart, His Character, His Work (1962)
    Alfred Einstein
    German-American musicologist (1880 - 1952)
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  • Brigitte Bardot It's the decomposition that gets me. You spend your whole life looking after your body. And then you rot away.
    Brigitte Bardot
    French fashion model, singer and actress (1934 - )
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  • Bobby Flay Lime juice makes things taste fresher. I use it for drinks, salsas, relishes, soups, and sauces. You want some give to your limes - firmness means the inside is dry - and they'll stay softer longer if you don't refrigerate them.
    Bobby Flay
    American celebrity chef and restaurateur (1964 - )
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  • Oswald Spengler Long ago the country bore the country-town and nourished it with her best blood. Now the giant city sucks the country dry, insatiably and incessantly demanding and devouring fresh streams of men, till it wearies and dies in the midst of an almost uninhabited waste of country.
    Oswald Spengler
    German philosopher of history and historian (1880 - 1936)
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  • Seneca Many shed tears merely for show, and have dry eyes when no one's around to observe them.
    Roman philosopher, statesman and playwright (5 - 65)
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  • Ellen Glasgow No matter how vital experience might be while you lived it, no sooner was it ended and dead than it became as lifeless as the piles of dry dust in a school history book.
    Ellen Glasgow
    American writer (1873 - 1945)
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  • John Jay Chapman People get so in the habit of worry that if you save them from drowning and put them on a bank to dry in the sun with hot chocolate and muffins they wonder whether they are catching cold.
    John Jay Chapman
    American author (1862 - 1933)
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  • Alice James Physical pain however great ends in itself and falls away like dry husks from the mind, whilst moral discords and nervous horrors sear the soul.
    Alice James
    American diarist (1848 - 1892)
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  • Oliver Cromwell Put your trust in God and keep your powder dry.
    Oliver Cromwell
    Parliamentarian General, Lord Protector of England (1599 - 1658)
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  • Carolyn Wells The books we think we ought to read are poky, dull, and dry; The books that we would like to read we are ashamed to buy; The books that people talk about we never can recall; And the books that people give us, oh, they're the worst of all.
    Carolyn Wells
    American writer and poet (1862 - 1942)
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  • William James The sway of alcohol over mankind is unquestionably due to its power to stimulate the mystical faculties of human nature, usually crushed to earth by the cold facts and dry criticisms of the sober hour. Sobriety diminishes, discriminates, and says no; drunkenness expands, unites, and says yes.
    William James
    American philosopher (1842 - 1910)
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  • Brenda Ueland The tragedy of bold, forthright, industrious people is that they act so continuously without much thinking, that it becomes dry and empty.
    Brenda Ueland
    American journalist, editor, and teacher
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