Quotes 1 till 20 of 22.
The worst disease which can afflict executives in their work is not, as popularly supposed, alcoholism; it's egotism.
Apology is only egotism wrong side out.
Automobiles are free of egotism, passion, prejudice and stupid ideas about where to have dinner. They are, literally, selfless. A world designed for automobiles instead of people would have wider streets, larger dining rooms, fewer stairs to climb and no smelly, dangerous subway stations.
Egotism - usually just a case of mistaken nonentity.
Egotism is the art of seeing in yourself what others cannot see.
Egotism is the source and summary of all faults and miseries.
If egotism means a terrific interest in one's self, egotism is absolutely essential to efficient living.
If some really acute observer made as much of egotism as Freud has made of sex, people would forget a good deal about sex and find the explanation for everything in egotism.
If the egotist is weak, his egotism is worthless. If the egotist is strong, acute, full of distinctive character, his egotism is precious, and remains a possession of the race.
Intolerance is a form of egotism, and to condemn egotism intolerantly is to share it.
Intolerance is the most socially acceptable form of egotism, for it permits us to assume superiority without personal boasting.
Marriage is the operation by which a woman's vanity and a man's egotism are extracted without an anaesthetic.
Modest egotism is the salt of conversation.
Obstinacy is a fault of temperament. Stubbornness and intolerance of contradiction result from a special kind of egotism, which elevates above everything else the pleasure of its autonomous intellect, to which others must bow.
On War (1832) -
Point me out the happy man and I will point you out either egotism, selfishness, evil - or else an absolute ignorance.
Sensitiveness is closely allied to egotism; and excessive sensibility is only another name for morbid self-consciousness. The cure for tender sensibilities is to make more of our objects and less of our selves.
The ''sensitiveness'' claimed by neurotic is matched by their egotism: they cannot abide the flaunting by others of the sufferings to which they pay an even increasing amount of attention in themselves.
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