Quotes with elite

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  • Blanka Vlasic A good career is a long-lasting career. When you're there in every competition doing a good job you're a part of an elite, and that's the most important thing.
    Blanka Vlasic
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  • Barry Ritholtz A number of bloggers in economics and the financial sector have risen to prominence through the sheer strength of their work. Note it was not their family connections nor ties to Ivy League schools or elite banks, but rather the strength of their research, analysis and writing.
    Barry Ritholtz
    American author and newspaper columnist
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  • Adolf Galland According to Goering and the Luftwaffe High Command, they were supposed to be the fighter elite.
    Adolf Galland
    German Luftwaffe general (1912 - 1996)
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  • W. H. Auden America has always been a country of amateurs where the professional, that is to say, the man who claims authority as a member of an élite which knows the law in some field or other, is an object of distrust and resentment.
    W. H. Auden
    American poet (1907 - 1973)
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  • Ben Shapiro America's liberal arts universities have long been safe zones for leftist thinking, protected ivory towers for the pseudo-elite who earn their livings writing papers nobody reads about gender roles in the poetry of Maya Angelou.
    Ben Shapiro
    American conservative political commentator and attorney (1984 - )
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  • Brin-Jonathan Butler Anyone can see why an elite athlete would want to leave a small, impoverished country where their skills were effectively uncashed winning lottery tickets. All they had to do was wash ashore almost anywhere else in the world and cash in. Yet the vast majority of Cuban boxers - and Cuban athletes in general - despite that incentive, stayed.
    Brin-Jonathan Butler
    American journalist and filmmaker
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  • Camille Paglia Are we like late Rome, infatuated with past glories, ruled by a complacent, greedy elite, and hopelessly powerless to respond to changing conditions?
    Camille Paglia
    American academic and social critic (1947 - )
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  • C. Wright Mills By the power elite, we refer to those political, economic, and military circles which as an intricate set of overlapping cliques share decisions having at least national consequences. In so far as national events are decided, the power elite are those who decide them.
    Source: The Power Elite (1956)
    C. Wright Mills
    American sociologist (1916 - 1962)
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  • Bobby Orr Everyone should have the same opportunity, and in many areas that's not the case because programs are built around the elite.
    Bobby Orr
    Canadian ice hockey player (1948 - )
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  • Ayaan Hirsi Ali I confront the European elite's self-image as tolerant 'while under their noses women are living like slaves.
    Ayaan Hirsi Ali
    Somali-born Dutch-American activist, feminist and author (1969 - )
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  • Bob Dole It is demeaning to the Nation that within the Clinton administration, a corps of the elite who never grew up, never did anything real, never sacrificed, never suffered, and never learned.
    Source: Acceptance speech for Republican presidential nomination, San Diego, 15 August 1996
    Bob Dole
    American politician and attorney (1923 - )
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  • Bobby Orr Minor sports in the community is fun and recreation for everyone, not just the elite. I think back to my days in minor hockey and those are my fondest memories, having fun.
    Bobby Orr
    Canadian ice hockey player (1948 - )
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  • Rupert Murdoch Much of what passes for quality on British television is no more than a reflection of the narrow elite which controls it and has always thought that its tastes were synonymous with quality.
    Rupert Murdoch
    Australian-born American media mogul (born 1931) (1931 - )
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  • Brin-Jonathan Butler My documentary 'Split Decision' examines Cuban-American relations, and the economic and cultural paradoxes that have shaped them since Castro's revolution, through the lens of elite Cuban boxers forced to choose between remaining in Cuba or defecting to America.
    Brin-Jonathan Butler
    American journalist and filmmaker
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  • Hannah Arendt Only the mob and the elite can be attracted by the momentum of totalitarianism itself. The masses have to be won by propaganda.
    Hannah Arendt
    German-born American political theorist (1906 - 1975)
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  • Susan Sontag The hard truth is that what may be acceptable in elite culture may not be acceptable in mass culture, that tastes which pose only innocent ethical issues as the property of a minority become corrupting when they become more established. Taste is context, and the context has changed.
    Susan Sontag
    American writer, filmmaker, teacher, and political activist (1933 - 2004)
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  • Ben Hecht The rule in the art world is: you cater to the masses or you kowtow to the elite; you can't have both.
    Ben Hecht
    American writer, playwright (1894 - 1964)
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  • Camille Paglia The venerable emeritus professors still at Yale when I entered graduate school may have been reserved, puritanical WASPs, but they were men of honor who had given their lives to scholarship. Today in the elite schools, honor and ethics are gone.
    Source: Vamps and Tramps (1994)
    Camille Paglia
    American academic and social critic (1947 - )
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  • Camille Paglia Why has the Democratic Party become so arrogantly detached from ordinary Americans? Though they claim to speak for the poor and dispossessed, Democrats have increasingly become the party of an upper-middle-class professional elite, top-heavy with journalists, academics and lawyers.
    Camille Paglia
    American academic and social critic (1947 - )
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  • Dwight D. Eisenhower Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.
    Source: Speech, 17-01-1961
    Dwight D. Eisenhower
    American president (1890 - 1969)
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