Quotes with emails

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  • Blake Farenthold Do I have a reasonable expectation of privacy in any information that I share with a company? My Google searches? The emails I send? Do I have a reasonable expectation of privacy in anything but maybe a letter I hand deliver to my wife?
    Blake Farenthold
    American politician and lobbyist (1961 - )
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  • Carly Fiorina Hillary Clinton lies about Benghazi, she lied about emails, she is still defending Planned Parenthood, and she is still her party's frontrunner.
    Carly Fiorina
    American businesswoman and political (1954 - )
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  • Brit Marling Modern life has gotten so strange, we all get 150 emails and text messages a day, and it's hard when things are moving that quickly to keep that sense of wonder about being alive.
    Brit Marling
    American actress and screenwriter (1982 - )
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  • Bradley Cooper My mother emails me stuff about when she finds a paparazzi photo and they're like, his hair is out of control.
    Bradley Cooper
    American actor and filmmaker (1975 - )
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  • Carl Honore Your best ideas, those eureka moments that turn the world upside down, seldom come when you're juggling emails, rushing to meet the 5 P.M. deadline or straining to make your voice heard in a high-stress meeting. They come when you're walking the dog, soaking in the bath or swinging in a hammock.
    Carl Honore
    Canadian journalist (1967 - )
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