Quotes with emerges

  • I'm the artist formally known as Beck. I have a genius wig. When I put that wig on, then the true genius emerges. I don't have enough hair to be a genius. I think you have to have hair going everywhere.

Quotes 1 till 9 of 9.

  • Ben Goldacre Amazing things happen when you pull individual pieces of information together into larger linked datasets: meaning emerges, as you produce facts from figures.
    Ben Goldacre
    British physician, academic (1974 - )
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  • Alfred N. Whitehead Every philosophy is tinged with the coloring of some secret imaginative background, which never emerges explicitly into its train of reasoning.
    Alfred N. Whitehead
    English philosopher and mathematician (1861 - 1947)
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  • Anita Desai I try to trace the connection between the characters and that way a story or plot emerges.
    Anita Desai
    Indian novelist (1937 - )
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  • Beck I'm the artist formally known as Beck. I have a genius wig. When I put that wig on, then the true genius emerges. I don't have enough hair to be a genius. I think you have to have hair going everywhere.
    American musician, singer and songwriter (1970 - )
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  • Beth Gutcheon I've found in the past that the more closely I identify with the heroine, the less completely she emerges as a person. So from the first novel I've been learning techniques to distance myself from the characters so that they are not me and I don't try to protect them in ways that aren't good for the story.
    Beth Gutcheon
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  • Jean Genet Perhaps all music, even the newest, is not so much something discovered as something that re-emerges from where it lay buried in the memory, inaudible as a melody cut in a disc of flesh. A composer lets me hear a song that has always been shut up silent within me.
    Jean Genet
    French playwright and author (1910 - 1986)
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  • Alfred Einstein Sometimes the picture that emerges of the man seems no longer to agree with our conception of the musician. In reality, however, there is a glorious unity.
    Alfred Einstein
    German-American musicologist (1880 - 1952)
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  • Bernard Bailyn The theory of politics that emerges from the political literature of the pre-Revolutionary years rests on the belief that what lay behind every political scene, the ultimate explanation of every political controversy, was the disposition of power.
    Source: The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution Ch. III, POWER AND LIBERTY A THEORY OF POLITICS, p
    Bernard Bailyn
    American historian, author, and academic (1922 - 2020)
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  • Mark Twain Whenever the literary German dives into a sentence, that is the last you are going to see of him till he emerges on the other side of his Atlantic with his verb in his mouth.
    Source: A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1889) Ch. 22
    Mark Twain
    American writer (ps. of Samuel Langhorne Clemens) (1835 - 1910)
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