Quotes with empowered

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  • Buffy Sainte-Marie Digital art software has empowered both the painterly side of photographers, and the photographer side of painters.
    Buffy Sainte-Marie
    Indigenous Canadian-American singer-songwriter and musician (1941 - )
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  • Bryan Burrough I must be the last person online to have been struck with this realization, but it's amazing how the Internet has empowered hundreds of ordinary people, turning them into little Diane Sawyers and Anderson Coopers as they snap and blog away.
    Bryan Burrough
    American author and correspondent (1961 - )
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  • Bill Simmons Leaders thrive when they feel creatively empowered, when they trust the people around them, when their confidence is swelling. Leaders make mistakes when they lose that same confidence, when they're fretting about their power base, when they're reacting instead of acting.
    Bill Simmons
    American sports analyst and author (1969 - )
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  • John Gray Men are motivated and empowered when they feel needed. Women are motivated and empowered when they feel cherished.
    John Gray
    American relationship counselor, lecturer and author (1948 - )
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  • Bre Pettis Most people don't feel empowered to make CAD models. The MakerBot Digitizer solves that problem.
    Bre Pettis
    American entrepreneur and video blogger
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  • Adam Arkin You're going through the horror of it, you're going through the isolation of it but you're being empowered by reminding yourself that you're connected to everybody else.
    Adam Arkin
    American actor (1956 - )
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All empowered famous quotes and sayings you will always find on greatest-quotations.com