Quotes 481 till 500 of 504.
You can't imagine what satisfaction can be gotten from throwing a pie into someone's face.
You end up as you deserve. In old age you must put up with the face, the friends, the health, and the children you have earned.
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by each experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, “I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.” You must do the thing you think you cannot do.
You get to choose what monsters you want to slay. I'm sorry to say this again, but let's face it - the Force is with you.
You have to accept the storms and the rainy days and the things in life that you sometimes don't want to face.
You know you're walking around with a mask on, and you desperately want to take it off and you can't because everybody else thinks it's your face.
Niemandsland (1993) 226 -
You look rather rash my dear your colors don't quite match your face.
You might as well fall flat on your face as lean over too far backward.
You never find yourself until you face the truth.
You ought to be true for the sake of the folks who think you are true. You never should stoop to a deed that your folks think you would not do. If you are false to yourself, be the blemish but small, you have injured your folks; you have been false to them all.
You take unacceptable risk, you have to be prepared to face the consequence.
You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it.
You've got to get up every morning with a smile on your face
And show the world all the love in your heart
The people gonna treat you better,
You're gonna find, yes you will,
That you're beautiful as you feel.Tapestry (1971) -
Your cat may never have to hunt farther than the kitchen counter for its supper nor face a predator more fierce than the vacuum cleaner.
Your chances of success are directly proportional to the degree of pleasure you desire from what you do. If you are in a job you hate, face the fact squarely and get out.
A thing is not necessarily true because badly uttered, nor false because spoken magnificently.
An account, mostly false, of events, mostly unimportant, which are brought about by rulers, mostly knaves, and soldiers, mostly fools.
False face must hide what the false heart doth know.
History: An account mostly false, of events mostly unimportant, which are brought about by rulers mostly knaves, and soldiers mostly fools.
The Devil's Dictionary -
Let him who expects one class of society to prosper in the highest degree, while the other is in distress, try whether one side ;of the face can smile while the other is pinched.
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