Quotes with files

Quotes 1 till 5 of 5.

  • Bruce Schneier Digital files cannot be made uncopyable, any more than water can be made not wet.
    Source: Schneier, Bruce (2001)
    Bruce Schneier
    American cryptographer, computer security professional and writer (1963 - )
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  • Alfred Lord Tennyson I the heir of all the ages, in the foremost files of time.
    Alfred Lord Tennyson
    English poet (1809 - 1892)
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  • Bryan Greenberg I was a caddy once and I lost the golfer's clubs. Plus I don't know how to golf, so I was the worst caddy ever. Then I was a mortgage brokers assistant, so that was just carrying around a lot of files - pretty meaningless, mind-numbing work.
    Bryan Greenberg
    American actor and singer (1978 - )
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  • Aneurin Bevan Poor fellow, he suffers from files.
    Aneurin Bevan
    British Labor politician (1897 - 1960)
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  • Bruce Schneier There are two kinds of cryptography in this world: cryptography that will stop your kid sister from reading your files, and cryptography that will stop major governments from reading your files.
    Source: Bruce Schneier (1996)
    Bruce Schneier
    American cryptographer, computer security professional and writer (1963 - )
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