Quotes with five-year-old

Quotes 41 till 60 of 1466.

  • Damon Runyon I came to the conclusion long ago that all life is six to five against.
    Damon Runyon
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  • Charles Sumner I have never known a man who was sensual in his youth, who was high-minded when old.
    Charles Sumner
    American politician and U.S. Senator (1811 - 1874)
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  • Mahatma Gandhi I have nothing new to teach the world. Truth and Non-violence are as old as the hills. All I have done is to try experiments in both on as vast a scale as I could.
    Mahatma Gandhi
    Indian politician (1869 - 1948)
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  • Lord George Byron I shall soon be six-and-twenty. Is there anything in the future that can possibly console us for not being always twenty-five?
    Lord George Byron
    English poet (1788 - 1824)
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  • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow I venerate old age; and I love not the man who can look without emotion upon the sunset of life, when the dusk of evening begins to gather over the watery eye, and the shadows of twilight grow broader and deeper upon the understanding.
    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
    American poet (1807 - 1882)
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  • Barack Obama I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby.
    Source: Town Hall Meeting in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, 29 March 2008
    Barack Obama
    American politician (1961 - )
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  • Henry David Thoreau If a thousand men were not to pay their tax-bills this year, that would not be a violent and bloody measure, as it would be to pay them, and enable the State to commit violence and shed innocent blood. This is, in fact, the definition of a peaceable revolution, if any such is possible.
    Henry David Thoreau
    American writer (1817 - 1862)
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  • Confucius If you think in terms of a year, plant a seed; if in terms of ten years, plant trees; if in terms of 100 years, teach the people.
    Chinese philosopher (551 - 479)
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  • Ralph Waldo Emerson In conversation the game is, to say something new with old words. And you shall observe a man of the people picking his way along, step by step, using every time an old boulder, yet never setting his foot on an old place.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    American poet and philosopher (1803 - 1882)
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  • Barbara Mandrell In my garden, which is a big garden, I have one part that is my bird garden, and every morning, 365 days a year, they get buckets of food - for the birds, for the squirrels, the chipmunks and the turtles in the summer.
    Barbara Mandrell
    American country music singer, musician, and actress (1948 - )
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  • Barbara Hambly It'll take a while for all those strange old books that I love to show up on digital: books that aren't current bestsellers but aren't public-domain freebies, either.
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  • Carl Sandburg Lay me on an anvil, O God.
    Beat me and hammer me into a crowbar.
    Let me pry loose old walls.
    Let me lift and loosen old foundations.
    Source: Prayers of Steel (1920)
    Carl Sandburg
    American Poet (1878 - 1967)
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  • Bertolt Brecht Mixing one's wines may be a mistake, but old and new wisdom mix admirably.
    Bertolt Brecht
    German - Austrian writer (1898 - 1956)
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  • Evan Esar Most new books are forgotten within a year, especially by those who borrow them.
    Evan Esar
    American humorist (1899 - 1995)
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  • Bernie S. Siegel Our Creator has given us five senses to help us survive threats from the external world, and a sixth sense, our healing system, to help us survive internal threats.
    Bernie S. Siegel
    American writer and pediatric surgeon (1932 - )
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  • Russell Baker People who say you're just as old as you feel are all wrong, fortunately.
    Russell Baker
    American journalist (1925 - )
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  • Anita Brookner She was a handsome woman of forty-five and would remain so for many years.
    Anita Brookner
    British Writer (1928 - 2016)
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  • Hervey Allen The only time you really live fully is from thirty to sixty. The young are slaves to dreams; the old servants of regrets. Only the middle-aged have all their five senses in the keeping of their wits.
    Hervey Allen
    American author (1889 - 1949)
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  • Eric Hoffer There is a totalitarian regime inside every one of us. We are ruled by a ruthless politburo which sets our norms and drives us from one five-year plan to another. The autonomous individual who has to justify his existence by his own efforts is in eternal bondage to himself.
    Eric Hoffer
    American writer (1902 - 1983)
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  • Geoffrey Chaucer There's never a new fashion but it's old.
    Geoffrey Chaucer
    British poet (1340 - 1400)
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