Quotes with five-year-old

Quotes 61 till 80 of 1466.

  • Abbott Eliot Kittredge Throw away the Old Testament! What part of it will you throw away? That which I do not understand? Take down then yonder blood-stained cross; for there is a love there which passeth knowledge, and a Divine hatred of sin which shook the solid earth.
    Source: Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers (1895)
    Abbott Eliot Kittredge
    American minister (1834 - 1912)
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  • Henry David Thoreau To a philosopher all news, as it is called, is gossip, and they who edit it and read it are old women over their tea.
    Henry David Thoreau
    American writer (1817 - 1862)
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  • Budd Schulberg Very few fighters get the consideration of racehorses, which are put out to pasture to grow old with dignity and comfort when they haven't got it anymore.
    Budd Schulberg
    American screenwriter, television producer and novelist (1914 - 2009)
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  • Anne C. Weisberg We all participate in weaving the social fabric; we should therefore all participate in patching the fabric when it develops holes mismatches between old expectations and current realities.
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  • Henry David Thoreau We are eager to tunnel under the Atlantic and bring the Old World some weeks nearer to the New; but perchance the first news that will leak through into the broad, flapping American ear will be that the Princess Adelaide has the whooping cough.
    Henry David Thoreau
    American writer (1817 - 1862)
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  • Abraham Lincoln What is conservatism? Is it not the adherence to the old and tried against the new and untried?
    Abraham Lincoln
    American statesman (1809 - 1865)
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  • Caroll Spinney When I was eight, I bought my first puppet. It was a monkey, and I paid five cents for it. I collected some scrap wood and built myself a puppet theatre. I made 32 cents with my first show, which I thought was pretty good, and that's when I knew I would be a puppeteer when I grew up.
    Caroll Spinney
    American puppeteer, cartoonist, author and speaker (1933 - 2019)
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  • Burning Spear When people see a legend, they call it a legend. But to be a legend, it's a lot of hard work and patience. You can't play for five or ten years and be a legend. It takes longer than that.
    Burning Spear
    Jamaican reggae singer-songwriter, vocalist and musician (1945 - )
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  • Joseph Addison Young people soon give, and forget insults, but old age is slow in both.
    Joseph Addison
    English politician, writer and poet (1672 - 1719)
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  • Adlai Stevenson II Your days are short here; this is the last of your springs. And now in the serenity and quiet of this lovely place, touch the depths of truth, feel the hem of Heaven. You will go away with old, good friends. And don't forget when you leave why you came.
    Adlai Stevenson II
    American politician and governor (1900 - 1965)
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  • Franz Kafka Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.
    Franz Kafka
    Chech German-speaking writer (1883 - 1924)
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  • Bernard Bailyn The full bibliography of pamphlets relating to the Anglo-American struggle published in the colonies through the year 1776 contains not a dozen or so items but over four hundred;
    Source: The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution FOREWORD, p. v
    Bernard Bailyn
    American historian, author, and academic (1922 - 2020)
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  • William Blake ''I have no name:'' I am but two days old. ''What shall I call thee?'' I happy am, ''Joy is my name.'' sweet joy befall thee!
    William Blake
    English poet (1757 - 1827)
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  • Bill Kurtis 'Frontline' does 10 news shows a year, so one a week is quite an undertaking.
    Bill Kurtis
    American television journalist (1940 - )
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  • Caitlin Rose 'Gorilla Man' is a composite of a few individuals, but the song itself was actually inspired by James Taylor. I spied his 'Gorilla' album laying on my floor and in some altered state, instantly started singing the chorus. It was fun to write. There's an old notebook with at least three more verses in it somewhere.
    Caitlin Rose
    American country singer (1987 - )
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  • Alcaeus of Mytilene 'Tis said that wrath is the last thing in a man to grow old.
    Alcaeus of Mytilene
    Ancient Greek poet
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  • Sir Walter Scott 'Twas Christmas broach'd the mightiest ale; 'twas Christmas told the merriest tale; a Christmas gambol oft could cheer the poor man's heart through half the year.
    Sir Walter Scott
    British writer and poet (1771 - 1832)
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  • Ben Shapiro 2013 was a year of myths falling apart. The myth of President Obama - a myth in which Obama was a messianic figure descending to bequeath health care, equality, and brotherhood on mankind - imploded. The myth of an America embracing the leftist social agenda collapsed.
    Ben Shapiro
    American conservative political commentator and attorney (1984 - )
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  • Adrian Smith A band is sort of like a star. It reaches a peak and burns out. To have five guys working in perfect harmony longer than a couple years is difficult.
    Adrian Smith
    English guitarist and pianist (1957 - )
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  • Larry Wolters A commentary on the times is that the word 'honesty' is now preceded by 'old-fashioned.'
    Larry Wolters
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