Quotes with forgets

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  • Sir Walter Scott Ambition breaks the ties of blood, and forgets the obligations of gratitude.
    Sir Walter Scott
    British writer and poet (1771 - 1832)
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  • Carl Sandburg If she [America] forgets where she came from, if the people lose sight of what brought them along, if she listens to the deniers and mockers, then will begin the rot and dissolution.
    Source: On America, in Remembrance Rock (1948)
    Carl Sandburg
    American Poet (1878 - 1967)
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  • Abraham Joshua Heschel Man's sin is in his failure to live what he is. Being the master of the earth, man forgets that he is the servant of God.
    Abraham Joshua Heschel
    Polish-American rabbi (1907 - 1972)
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  • Homer A guest never forgets the host who had treated him kindly.
    Greek poet (850 - 750)
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  • Hubert Humphrey A politician never forgets the precarious nature of elective life. We have never established a practice of tenure in public office.
    Hubert Humphrey
    American politician (1911 - 1978)
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  • Alfred Lord Tennyson Authority forgets a dying king.
    Alfred Lord Tennyson
    English poet (1809 - 1892)
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  • Jacques Prevert Even if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget about it.
    Jacques Prevert
    French poet and prose st (1900 - 1977)
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  • Oliver Wendell Holmes Even the wisest woman you talk to is ignorant of something you may know, but an elegant woman never forgets her elegance.
    Oliver Wendell Holmes
    American writer and poet (1809 - 1894)
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  • Augusto Roa Bastos Facts can't be recounted; much less twice over, and far less still by different persons. I've already drummed that thoroughly into your head. What happens is that your wretched memory remembers the words and forgets what's behind them.
    Augusto Roa Bastos
    Paraguayan novelist and writer (1917 - 2005)
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  • Jean de la Bruyère Grief that is dazed and speechless is out of fashion: the modern woman mourns her husband loudly and tells you the whole story of his death, which distresses her so much that she forgets not the slightest detail about it.
    Jean de la Bruyère
    French writer (1645 - 1696)
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  • Thomas Paine He is not affected by the reality of distress touching his heart, but by the showy resemblance of it striking his imagination. He pities the plumage, but forgets the dying bird.
    Thomas Paine
    English-born American political activist, philosopher, political theor (1737 - 1809)
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  • Friedrich Nietzsche Instinct. When the house burns one forgets even lunch. Yes, but one eats it later in the ashes.
    Friedrich Nietzsche
    German poet and philosopher (1844 - 1900)
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  • Milan Kundera Man reckons with immortality, and forgets to reckon with death.
    Milan Kundera
    Tsjech writer and criticus (1929 - 2023)
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  • Catherine Drinker Bowen Many a man who has known himself at ten forgets himself utterly between ten and thirty.
    Catherine Drinker Bowen
    American writer
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  • Edmond de Goncourt Never speak of yourself to others; make them talk about themselves instead; therein lies the whole art of pleasing. Everybody knows it, and everyone forgets it.
    Edmond de Goncourt
    French writer and critic (1822 - 1896)
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  • Kin Hubbard Nobody ever forgets where he buried the hatchet.
    Kin Hubbard
    American cartoonist, humorist, and journalist (1868 - 1930)
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  • Robert Bresson One forgets too easily the difference between a man and his image, and that there is none between the sound of his voice on the screen and in real life.
    Robert Bresson
    French film director (1901 - 1999)
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  • Evelyn Waugh One forgets words as one forgets names. One's vocabulary needs constant fertilizing or it will die.
    Evelyn Waugh
    British novelist (1903 - 1966)
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  • Bill Frist September 11 impressed upon us that life is a precious gift. Every life has a purpose. And I think we all have a duty to devote at least a small portion of our daily lives to ensuring that neither America nor the world ever forgets September 11.
    Bill Frist
    American physician, businessman and politician (1952 - )
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  • Tom Bodett The difference between an optimist and a pessimist? An optimist laughs to forget, but a pessimist forgets to laugh.
    Tom Bodett
    American writer and actor (1955 - )
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