Quotes with franchise

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  • Ben Hardy As far as I know, the original 'X-Men' actors will remain in the franchise.
    Ben Hardy
    British actor (1991 - )
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  • Burn Gorman I'm a film buff and I was keen to find out about the response to Daniel Craig's 007. 'Empire' and 'Hot Dog' had great reviews, and finally he's been accepted as the new Bond. So many millions go into that franchise that if you make a mistake, it's awful.
    Burn Gorman
    British actor and musician (1974 - )
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  • Betsy Beers Your structure and format may not be perfect, and you may not have picked the perfect franchise, but if I pick up a script, and the characters are real, whole, complicated and come from a place of somebody who really is feeling it, that's what people remember.
    Betsy Beers
    American television and film producer (1957 - )
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