Quotes with garner

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  • Bob Ehrlich Most pundits regard an election year session as an opportunity for the two parties to frame issues and garner political advantage in advance of the approaching election.
    Bob Ehrlich
    American lawyer and politician (1957 - )
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  • Benjamin Watson The cure for the Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice and Eric Garner tragedies is not education or exposure. It's the gospel.
    Benjamin Watson
    American football player (1980 - )
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  • Campbell Brown The protests and pain over the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown had me wondering if we can ever experience the world as others do. For no matter how disputed the circumstances of both cases, many people see what happened in black and white.
    Campbell Brown
    American journalist (1968 - )
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  • David Sarnoff Work and live to serve others, to leave the world a little better than you found it and garner for yourself as much peace of mind as you can. This is happiness.
    David Sarnoff
    American Entrepreneur (1891 - 1971)
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