Quotes with generates

Quotes 1 till 8 of 8.

  • Bjarne Stroustrup C++ is my favorite garbage collected language because it generates so little garbage
    Source: FAQ: Did you really say that?
    Bjarne Stroustrup
    Danish computer scientist (1950 - )
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  • A. R. Ammons Each poem in becoming generates the laws by which it is generated: extensions of the laws to other poems never completely take.
    Source: Set in motion: essays, interviews, and dialogues (1996)
    A. R. Ammons
    American poet (1926 - 2001)
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  • Samuel Johnson I am sorry I have not learnt to play at cards. It is very useful in life: it generates kindness, and consolidates society.
    Samuel Johnson
    English writer (1709 - 1784)
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  • Andrew Wiles I realized that anything to do with Fermat's Last Theorem generates too much interest.
    Andrew Wiles
    English mathematician (1953 - )
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  • Andrew Wiles It's fine to work on any problem, so long as it generates interesting mathematics along the way - even if you don't solve it at the end of the day.
    Andrew Wiles
    English mathematician (1953 - )
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  • Andrew Wiles The definition of a good mathematical problem is the mathematics it generates rather than the problem itself.
    Andrew Wiles
    English mathematician (1953 - )
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  • John Berger The media network has its idols, but its principal idol is its own style which generates an aura of winning and leaves the rest in darkness. It recognizes neither pity nor pitilessness.
    John Berger
    English art critic, novelist, painter and poet (1926 - 2017)
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  • Anthony Robbins The meeting of preparation with opportunity generates the offspring we call luck.
    Anthony Robbins
    American author, entrepreneur, philanthropist and life coach (1960 - )
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