Quotes with ghastly

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  • Bill Bruford And we'd drink huge amounts of scotch and coke, which is a ghastly sweet drink... And now people don't drink nearly as much, for good reason. We're all a little wiser.
    Bill Bruford
    English drummer, composer and producer (1949 - )
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  • Alan Patrick Herbert If nobody said anything unless he knew what he was talking about, a ghastly hush would descend upon the earth.
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  • C. S. Lewis In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.
    Source: The Abolition of Man (1943)
    C. S. Lewis
    Irish novelist and poet (1898 - 1963)
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  • David Herbert Lawrence One can no longer live with people: it is too hideous and nauseating. Owners and owned, they are like the two sides of a ghastly disease.
    David Herbert Lawrence
    English writer (1885 - 1930)
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  • Douglas Adams The moment at which two people, approaching from opposite ends of a long passageway, recognize each other and immediately pretend they haven t. This is to avoid the ghastly embarrassment of having to continue recognizing each other the whole length of the corridor.
    Douglas Adams
    British science-fiction writer (1952 - 2001)
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  • Thomas Hardy Well: what we gain by science is, after all, sadness, as the Preacher saith. The more we know of the laws and nature of the Universe the more ghastly a business we perceive it all to be - and the non-necessity of it.
    Thomas Hardy
    British writer and poet (1840 - 1928)
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