Quotes with gradually

Quotes 21 till 38 of 38.

  • Bertrand Russell Organic life, we are told, has developed gradually from the protozoon to the philosopher, and this development, we are assured, is indubitably an advance. Unfortunately it is the philosopher, not the protozoon, who gives us this assurance.
    Bertrand Russell
    English philosopher and mathematician (1872 - 1970)
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  • John F. Kennedy Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures.
    John F. Kennedy
    American politician (1917 - 1963)
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  • Washington Irving Rising genius always shoots out its rays from among the clouds, but these will gradually roll away and disappear as it ascends to its steady luster.
    Washington Irving
    American writer (1783 - 1859)
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  • Barry McGuire So gradually, and then I had an Italian roadster that I built, it took me five years to build it, it was stolen from me and stripped. I said, well maybe we should have another where we shouldn't steal from each other.
    Barry McGuire
    American singer-songwriter (1935 - )
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  • Nicolas Chamfort Sometimes apparent resemblance of character will bring two men together and for a certain time unite them. But their mistake gradually becomes evident, and they are astonished to find themselves not only far apart, but even repelled, in some sort, at all their points of contact.
    Nicolas Chamfort
    French writer, journalist and playwright (1741 - 1794)
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  • William Lloyd Garrison Tell a man whose house is on fire to give a moderate alarm; tell him to moderately rescue his wife from the hands of the ravisher; tell the mother to gradually extricate her babe from the fire into which it has fallen; but urge me not to use moderation in a case like the present.
    William Lloyd Garrison
    American abolitionist, journalist and suffragist (1805 - 1879)
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  • Alfred Marshall The hope that poverty and ignorance may gradually be extinguished, derives indeed much support from the steady progress of the working classes during the nineteenth century.
    Alfred Marshall
    British economist (1842 - 1924)
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  • E. B. White The most puzzling thing about TV is the steady advance of the sponsor across the line that has always separated news from promotion, entertainment from merchandising. The advertiser has assumed the role of originator, and the performer has gradually been eased into the role of peddler.
    E. B. White
    American writer (1899 - 1985)
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  • John Berger The past grows gradually around one, like a placenta for dying.
    John Berger
    English art critic, novelist, painter and poet (1926 - 2017)
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  • Buzz Aldrin There are always door openings. And gradually, it accumulates. The opportunities open up in front of you.
    Buzz Aldrin
    American former astronaut, engineer and fighter (1930 - )
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  • Thomas Troward We can gradually grow into any condition we desire, provided we first make ourselves in habitual mental attitude the person who corresponds to those conditions.
    Thomas Troward
    English author (1847 - 1916)
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  • Zhuang Zhou We cling to our own point of view, as though everything depended on it. Yet our opinions have no permanence; like autumn and winter, they gradually pass away.
    Zhuang Zhou
    Chinese philosopher (369 - 286)
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  • Marcel Proust We do not succeed in changing things according to our desire, but gradually our desire changes.
    Marcel Proust
    French writer and critic (1871 - 1922)
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  • Walter Lippmann We forge gradually our greatest instrument for understanding the world - introspection. We discover that humanity may resemble us very considerably - that the best way of knowing the inwardness of our neighbors is to know ourselves.
    Walter Lippmann
    American writer, reporter, and political commentator (1889 - 1974)
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  • Hector Hugh Munro When people grow gradually rich their requirements and standard of living expand in proportion, while their present-giving instincts often remain in the undeveloped condition of their earlier days. Something showy and not-too-expensive in a shop is their only conception of the ideal gift.
    Hector Hugh Munro
    British Novelist, Writer (1870 - 1916)
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  • Ben Shapiro When the Soviet Union fell, optimistic scholars believed the world had shifted inexorably in the direction of free markets and liberal democracy. Instead, the West gradually embraced bigger government and weaker social bonds, creating a fragmented society in which the only thing we all belong to, as President Barack Obama puts it, is the state.
    Ben Shapiro
    American conservative political commentator and attorney (1984 - )
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  • Margaret Halsey Whenever I dwell for any length of time on my own shortcomings, they gradually begin to seem mild harmless, rather engaging little things, not at all like the staring defects in other people's characters.
    Margaret Halsey
    American writer
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  • Arthur Schopenhauer Wicked thoughts and worthless efforts gradually set their mark on the face, especially the eyes.
    Arthur Schopenhauer
    German philosopher (1788 - 1860)
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