Quotes with greenhouse

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  • Bernie Sanders For every $1 billion we invest in public transportation, we create 30,000 jobs, save thousands of dollars a year for each commuter, and dramatically cut greenhouse gas emissions.
    Bernie Sanders
    American politician (1941 - )
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  • Bernie Sanders If we are serious about moving toward energy independence in a cost-effective way, we should invest in solar energy. If we are serious about cutting air and water pollution and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, we should invest in solar energy.
    Bernie Sanders
    American politician (1941 - )
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  • Cass Sunstein On some issues, Republicans and Democrats disagree so sharply that compromise is nearly impossible. Republicans are not going to support a cap-and-trade program to limit greenhouse gases, and Democrats won't support a 1,000-mile wall on the border with Mexico.
    Cass Sunstein
    American legal scholar (1954 - )
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  • Burton Richter Since stepping down as laboratory director in 1999, I have devoted an increasing fraction of my time to international issues. I am involved with energy, environment, and sustainability issues, particularly as they involve new energy sources free of greenhouse gases.
    Burton Richter
    American physicist (1931 - 2018)
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