Quotes with happiness…

  • Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.
  • That which makes people dissatisfied with their condition, is the chimerical idea they form of the happiness of others.

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  • Ralph Waldo Emerson For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    American poet and philosopher (1803 - 1882)
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  • John Howe Character is power; it makes friends, draws patronage and support and opens the way to wealth, honor and happiness.
    John Howe
    Canadian-French illustrator
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  • Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe A really great talent finds its happiness in execution.
    Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
    German writer and poet (1749 - 1832)
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  • Denis Waitley Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.
    Denis Waitley
    American motivational speaker, writer and consultant (1933 - )
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  • George Bernard Shaw A lifetime of happiness? No man alive could bear it; it would be hell on earth.
    George Bernard Shaw
    Irish-English writer and critic (1856 - 1950)
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  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.
    Franklin D. Roosevelt
    American statesman (1882 - 1945)
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  • Joseph Addison Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.
    Joseph Addison
    English politician, writer and poet (1672 - 1719)
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  • Joseph Addison Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.
    Joseph Addison
    English politician, writer and poet (1672 - 1719)
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  • Bumper Sticker Anyone who says money can't buy happiness just doesn't know where to shop.
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  • Theodore I. Rubin Happiness does not come from doing easy work but from the afterglow of satisfaction that comes after the achievement of a difficult task that demanded our best.
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  • Voltaire If there were only one religion in England there would be danger of despotism, if there were two, they would cut each other's throats, but there are thirty, and they live in peace and happiness.
    French writer and philosopher (ps. of Fran ois Marie Arouet) (1694 - 1778)
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  • Joseph Addison True happiness arises, in the first place, from the enjoyment of one's self, and in the next, from the friendship and conversation of a few select companions.
    Joseph Addison
    English politician, writer and poet (1672 - 1719)
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  • Baruch Spinoza All happiness or unhappiness solely depends upon the quality of the object to which we are attached by love.
    Baruch Spinoza
    Dutch philosopher (1632 - 1677)
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  • Lord George Byron All who would win joy, must share it; happiness was born a twin.
    Lord George Byron
    English poet (1788 - 1824)
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  • Abdul Kalam Be more dedicated to making solid achievements than in running after swift but synthetic happiness.
    Abdul Kalam
    11th President of India (1931 - 2015)
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  • Stendhal Beauty is the promise of happiness.
    French writer (ps. of Marie Henri Beyle) (1783 - 1842)
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  • Francois de la Rochefoucauld Bodily labor alleviates the pains of the mind and from this arises the happiness of the poor.
    Francois de la Rochefoucauld
    French writer (1613 - 1680)
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  • George Bernard Shaw But a lifetime of happiness! No man alive could bear it: it would be hell on earth.
    George Bernard Shaw
    Irish-English writer and critic (1856 - 1950)
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  • Andrew Young Can wealth give happiness? look around and see, what gay distress! what splendid misery! Whatever fortunes lavishly can pour, the mind annihilates and calls for more.
    Andrew Young
    Amercan activisit and minister (1932 - )
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  • Plutarch Do not speak of your happiness to one less fortunate than yourself.
    Greek biographer and essayist (46 - 120)
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