Quotes 581 till 600 of 5418.
An emotional man may possess no humor, but a humorous man usually has deep pockets of emotion, sometimes tucked away or forgotten.
An empty house is like a stray dog or a body from which life has departed.
An epitaph is a belated advertisement for a line of goods that has been discontinued.
An event has happened, upon which it is difficult to speak, and impossible to be silent.
An exaggeration is a truth that has lost its temper.
An expensive arms race, under cover of the military metaphysic, and in a paranoid atmosphere of fright, is an economically attractive business. To many utopian capitalists, it has become the Business Way of American Life.
The Causes of World War Three (1960) -
An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field.
An extraordinary amount of arrogance is present in any claim of having been the first in inventing something.
An honest man is one who knows that he can't consume more than he has produced.
Atlas Shrugged (1957) -
An intellectual is going to have doubts, for example, about a fundamentalist religious doctrine that admits no doubt, about an imposed political system that allows no doubt, about a perfect aesthetic that has no room for doubt.
An intelligent plan is the first step to success. The man who plans knows where he is going, knows what progress he is making and has a pretty good idea when he will arrive.
An original artist is unable to copy. So he has only to copy in order to be original.
An' though the rules of the road have been lodged
It's only people's games that you got to dodgeBringing It All Back Home (1965) -
And I always laugh at that, because I think I've always been doing what I want to do since Day 1.
And I have exposed myself to art so that my work has something beyond just the usual potter.
And I would be the first to admit that probably, in a lot of press conferences over the time that I have been in coaching, indulging my own sense of humor at press conferences has not been greatly to my benefit.
And if thought and emotion can persist in this way so long after the brain that sent them forth has crumpled into dust, how vitally important it must be to control their very birth in the heart, and guard them with the keenest possible restraint.
And if tonight my soul may find her peace in sleep, and sink in good oblivion, and in the morning wake like a new-opened flower then I have been dipped again in God, and new-created.
And Marx spoke of the fact that socialism will be the kingdom of freedom, where man realizes himself in a way that humankind has never seen before. This was an inspiring body of literature to read.
And one of his partners asked ''Has he vertigo?'' and the other glanced out and down and said ''Oh no, only about ten feet more.''
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